forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

@Kie group

Oh I feel like I should mention if anybody hears me trying and failing to play guitar and sing, just yell at me to stop because I'm aware it's annoying.

@Moxie group

Same here. I'm a terrible gift giver, so just tell me what you want or you're getting gift cards.

Yup. Same. This.

Deleted user

Fire hazards are the best!
Also, I tend to just give books and paintings, warning you now.
And I'll probably have a little thing for my grandmother near a window (most likely in my room) so if you see it please don't touch it.


Oh geez, I'll be a nightmare to room with during the holiday season.

Why (not prying, just curious)

@Kie group

I'm also gonna mention that I do have random fits of laughter during very serious moments??? It's just dumb tbh lol


Just gonna give a pro tip for people like me who suck at thinking up things to ask for for their birthday/christmas:

Make a list.
Whenever you see something you might want, no matter what time of year it is, write it down.
That way when Christmas or whatever comes along, you can go through the list, delete what you don't want, and text it to anyone who asks.
I've been keeping mine for two(?) years now, deleting things as i get them, and it's worked out great

Deleted user

I'm also gonna mention that I do have random fits of laughter during very serious moments??? It's just dumb tbh lol

Dude same, but ony when people try to scare me
I just burst out giggiling

@Anemone eco

Oh geez, I'll be a nightmare to room with during the holiday season.

Why (not prying, just curious)

I always get all pissy and sad during the holiday season. I tend to get really snappy or emotional for seemingly no reason (though it's most likely something mental causing it) and for some reason, my tolerance for people shoots farther down than it already is.

@Kie group

Would people cry if my list just said shiny things & art things??? Cool clothes??? IDK what I'd put lol

@saor_illust school

Just gonna give a pro tip for people like me who suck at thinking up things to ask for for their birthday/christmas:

Make a list.
Whenever you see something you might want, no matter what time of year it is, write it down.
That way when Christmas or whatever comes along, you can go through the list, delete what you don't want, and text it to anyone who asks.
I've been keeping mine for two(?) years now, deleting things as i get them, and it's worked out great

oh thanks ella!
istg everytime people ask me what i want im just like,,, uhhhh i dont hecking knowwwwwww


Oh geez, I'll be a nightmare to room with during the holiday season.

Why (not prying, just curious)

I always get all pissy and sad during the holiday season. I tend to get really snappy or emotional for seemingly no reason (though it's most likely something mental causing it) and for some reason, my tolerance for people shoots farther down than it already is.

Understandable. Holidays tend to be stressful. They hold strong meaning, sometimes negative and sometimes positive. We'd be mindful towards you.


Also just gonna mention, while i'm quite chill with people borrowing my stuff, there are some things i'm extremely protective of
Particularly my jewelry box, don't you hecking dare touch it unless you ask first, some of the things in there are from friends and family that are no longer with us and i would be beyond heartbroken if any of it was lost…
so now you know

@Kie group

Also just gonna mention, while i'm quite chill with people borrowing my stuff, there are some things i'm extremely protective of
Particularly my jewelry box, don't you hecking dare touch it unless you ask first, some of the things in there are from friends and family that are no longer with us and i would be beyond heartbroken if any of it was lost…
so now you know

Don't worry about me. Unless it's a dire situation I don't borrow much, and even when I do, I ask because boundaries :D

@Kie group

Omg we should do a gift exchange. Like Secret Santa but not cause we're keeping this holiday neutral

"Alright guys, it's the holidays. You know what that means, yea?"

@Anemone eco

Oh geez, I'll be a nightmare to room with during the holiday season.

Why (not prying, just curious)

I always get all pissy and sad during the holiday season. I tend to get really snappy or emotional for seemingly no reason (though it's most likely something mental causing it) and for some reason, my tolerance for people shoots farther down than it already is.

Understandable. Holidays tend to be stressful. They hold strong meaning, sometimes negative and sometimes positive. We'd be mindful towards you.

Now that I think of it, it's really just the pissy part.

Thank you, Owen.


Would people cry if my list just said shiny things & art things??? Cool clothes??? IDK what I'd put lol

nah, honestly my list is just that with extra steps
everything in it's either glittery, shiny, sparkly, or an art supply

@Moxie group

How about we make a rule not to go into other people's spaces or through other people's stuff without clear permission.

@Kie group

How about we make a rule not to go into other people's spaces or through other people's stuff without clear permission.

Def sounds good. Although even if we didn't have the rule I'd make it very clear for people to stay out of my stuff.