forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

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I mean like, doesn't matter to me, I don't celebrate-

Deleted user

Yeah I’m not Christian but I’ll still exchange presents

Deleted user

Mental Stuff:

  • Depression
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • PTSD
  • Panic Disorder
  • Bipolar
  • Possibly Tourette's but since we're in quarantine we haven't been able to get to the doctor yet. Moral of the story is I tic a lot.

Deleted user

I'm still gonna make you all presents don't doubt that


The most concerning of my issues listed is my undiagnosed heart problem, purely the mystery of it bothers me, because then I can't treat it, and because I never know what could happen. Will I pass out? Should I be in the hospital? WhO kNoWs! I'm not dead yet so it's probably fine. The other concerning one is catatonia (freezing up, seemingly staring into nothing). The cause could be as simple as a word or phrase that sends me into a deep train of thought, or as complex as witnessing something traumatizing. It can come about when I'm alone too. If I look hazy, or I go quiet suddenly, just make sure I'm not standing in the middle of the road or in direct danger, please. It's also why I choose not to drive. Other than that, I do a decent job at managing my physical and mental health, but we'll all have those freak out days, and that's ok.


Oh, I have a bone variation in my right foot. That shouldn't be a problem, unless I hit it weird in a very specific spot.

Ay I think my mom has that! It can be a pain, but now I know some remedies, so that's convenient I suppose.


I just realized holiday seasons are gunna be so chaotic and fun. We'll have Christmas, Hanukkah, and I'm sure some of you celebrate Yule? All at once..


I just realized holiday seasons are gunna be so chaotic and fun. We'll have Christmas, Hanukkah, and I'm sure some of you celebrate Yule? All at once..

As someone who as only ever celebrated Christmas I am ready

@saor_illust school

okay so
health problems: nothing diagnosed, but i do have a tendency to dip into depressive moments randomly

and makeup, you can slather it all over my face but no lipstick, i hate the way it feels on my lips

@Kie group

and makeup, you can slather it all over my face but no lipstick, i hate the way it feels on my lips

Only eye makeup for me lol


The house will be so lit around the holidays. Christmas lights, a Christmas tree, and I'm pretty sure Yule celebration has candles involved? (not familiar with it ha) And a Hanukkiah in the front window. Nothing like multiple fire hazards to celebrate the holidays!

@Kie group

For the holidays, I shall be hiding in my room :') gift shopping is d i f f i c u l t so if I do decide to buy presents don't be surprised if I just ask you for a list of things you want


Same here. I'm a terrible gift giver, so just tell me what you want or you're getting gift cards.