forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

Deleted user

I mean, I kinda have to move in with Mir, she's the love of my life, my bitch buddy, my pen pal-

the facts

@The-Magician group

We'll wait a while for those five to respond. Then we'll be at 20
Is there anyone else we need to add?

Wait, wasn't I number 15? Then Izzy made 16. And Jyn, Eris, Ace, Reed, and Maddie make 21?

It’s fine, @PatoSays-HaLl-CLoSeT has a hall closet so that technically doesn’t count.

Deleted user

Honestly, I don't need a big room, just give me space for an art desk and a dog bed and I'll be set.
I don't need a bed, just a dog one and a shit ton of blankets.
Also, who's going to help me cook becuase I am going to be baking a shit ton and making a lot of pasta


We can find apartments that have 4 bedrooms, and if you want to have more than that together, you could share rooms, one of you is gunna have to anyway lol

@Moxie group

Honestly, I don't need a big room, just give me space for an art desk and a dog bed and I'll be set.
I don't need a bed, just a dog one and a shit ton of blankets.
Also, who's going to help me cook becuase I am going to be baking a shit ton and making a lot of pasta

I will totally bake with you

@saor_illust school

just one more person?

Hhhhhhnnn okay, but dibs only having 3 people in my apartment

@izzy-is-an-emotional-wreck, wanna move in with us?

im hella late, sorry-

BUT dO yOU eVeN HAvE tO aSK?

@Moxie group

Again, I think we should make a list of what we can do, so like if you can cook or if you know how to work a washing machine etc

I would say I have basic adult skills
Except like taxes
But I can clean, cook, do laundry, etc.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Honestly, I don't need a big room, just give me space for an art desk and a dog bed and I'll be set.
I don't need a bed, just a dog one and a shit ton of blankets.
Also, who's going to help me cook becuase I am going to be baking a shit ton and making a lot of pasta

I will totally bake with you

I will too!


Again, I think we should make a list of what we can do, so like if you can cook or if you know how to work a washing machine etc

Plus general stuff roommates should know, like if you're a night owl or an early bird, loud or quiet, etc. Here's a template.

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking):
Potentially annoying things:
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills:

@saor_illust school

yes !!
could i drag one or two of my other online frens over to this? they're on discord, but i can speak on behalf of them by consulting them

Deleted user

I can make toast

I'll sage the house :DDDDDDD

Deleted user

Me and Mir can share a room-
If that's alright with her

@saor_illust school

Honestly, I don't need a big room, just give me space for an art desk and a dog bed and I'll be set.
I don't need a bed, just a dog one and a shit ton of blankets.
Also, who's going to help me cook becuase I am going to be baking a shit ton and making a lot of pasta

I will totally bake with you

I will too!



Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): I can make Ramen, sweep and mop, do dishes
Potentially annoying things: I stay up until ungodly hours of the morning, but I'm quiet so that's not really a problem. I'm kind of a bitch in general, but like I said, I'm pretty quiet and non confrontational so you'll probably forget I exist
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: Uhhh I can draw guess.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): Cooking/baking, sewing, basic garden work
Potentially annoying things: I am not a morning person, I have a One Piece problem, I'm kinda messy, I can be loud
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I can sing Yakko's world from memory, I can do art and things