forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers


Honestly, I don't need a big room, just give me space for an art desk and a dog bed and I'll be set.
I don't need a bed, just a dog one and a shit ton of blankets.
Also, who's going to help me cook becuase I am going to be baking a shit ton and making a lot of pasta

I’m in cuz Pasta
And I just need a hall closet

Deleted user

Me and Mir can share a room-
If that's alright with her



please tell me what i missed
i didn't bother to read through all five pages

Not much, just us counting ppl


please tell me what i missed
i didn't bother to read through all five pages

We have like 21 people
I want a hall closet as my room
People figuring out room mates
How many people to an apartment
That stuff


Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): umm idk. I do the dishes at my house so I can do that?
Potentially annoying things: I sing musicals all the time, I'm also kind of bad at talking
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: uhh idk? I can draw/do art stuff and sing/perform?

Deleted user

I can take pictures of people

I can dye hair

I can keep us safe from the bad juju


And if we're in Germany, I could be the translator (though most speak English in Vilseck)


Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): Laundry and dishes, also general cleaning, like wiping down bathrooms and cleaning mirrors/windows. I cannot cook tho.

Potentially annoying things: I'm a terrible driver, so I may ask for a drop off if you're on your way out. I also search through cabinets for snacks, and may leave them open.

Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I'm fairly lenient about whatever you're doing. If you wanna stay up and blast music, I'm ok with that. I'm pretty understanding about alone time and stuff too.


if everyone else is fine with it could i maybe squeeze in another extra fren (that would make two)

Two more, Coffee?

@The-Magician group

Life skills: I know basic plumbing, woodwork, all the electrical stuff. I can cook, clean, do the laundry, wash the dishes etc. I can drive so if anyone needs dropping off at places just hit me up. I also know how to budget properly and sort out bills/payments.

Potentially annoying things: I do not have a sleep schedule so be prepared to hear me wandering around at 4am. Besides sleep, I have to stick to a strict schedule and if I am living with people then I expect them to stick to a chores rota that I will be creating. You’ll also have to deal with me singing if I’m working from home.

Potentially beneficial things that aren’t life skills: I already have a day job so that will be my main source of income, and I’ll also be selling my art for money. I’m also down for doing people’s makeup and going shopping whenever. I’m also a decent photographer and pianist.