forum We're moving in together (closed)
Started by @berlioz

people_alt 63 followers

@The-Magician group

if everyone else is fine with it could i maybe squeeze in another extra fren (that would make two)

Two more, Coffee?

Ffs.. uhm..
so how many would that be? 23??
Would there even be enough room?!
I’m inclined to say no but they can come and visit any time they like

@saor_illust school

if everyone else is fine with it could i maybe squeeze in another extra fren (that would make two)

Two more, Coffee?

Ffs.. uhm..
so how many would that be? 23??
Would there even be enough room?!
I’m inclined to say no but they can come and visit any time they like



Oh! i can train/care for most animals, wash dishes excessively, help with cooking, and offer extremely awkward emotional support/sympathy rubs to those in need

@Anemone eco

Life skills: No? I mean, I guess cooking and cleaning might count, though I rarely am in the mood to do so. Uhh… I do gardening. Driving. Idk, I'm pretty useless lmao.

Potentially annoying things: I'm kinda clumsy, so I might break something at 3 AM. That being said, I hardly sleep. I'll more than likely just stare at you if you try to talk to me. I'm no good with face-to-face interactions. I fall downstairs… a lot, so if there are stairs, best believe ya boi's gonna fall down em. I tend to randomly start laughing, so prepare yourselves for that.

Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: Uhh Idk. I don't see how archery would benefit us really. Yeah, I am the definition of useless. 99% sure that my language knowledge will not be useful seeing that I don't speak German. Yeah, I've got nothing. I guess I know a lot about plants and animals though.

@saor_illust school

what is this "life skills/potentially annoying things/potentially benefial things that are life skills" form we are filling out???

@Moxie group

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): I can cook and follow a recipe really well. I can't sew an entire wardrobe but I can knit and I can mend things. I generally know how to use a screwdriver. I can wash dishes, load and unload a dishwasher with the maximum amount of dishes, and do laundry. I have my license.
Potentially annoying things: I sing a lot. I'm also a dancer and choreographer so sometimes you may just find me dancing. I also take a while to get ready for anything.
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I can sleep while there's loud things going on as long as its dark


Life Skills: I can keep most of the place clean. Mostly because I’ll be living in my hall closet. I know some recipes so I can sometimes cook. I know how to do laundry. I can easily fend for myself so you won’t have to worry about me.

Potentially annoying things: If you pass by my hall closet you’ll hear faint music. Because I have earbuds in, but they’re at full volume. I stay up really late. If I do talk to you, it’s going to be about too much HP and LoZ. I don’t like grocery shopping unless it’s for myself. I’m 14.

Potentially Beneficial Things that aren’t life skills: I’m down for movie nights, and randomly doing make-up and hairstyles for fun so nothings boring. I know how to work coffee pots. I can sew with you, but I only know how to hand sew. And I can play Mario Cart or Party with you.

@saor_illust school

So then we know what people can and can’t do, and we can figure things out. It will be most appreciated if you filled one out.

ah, alright

Deleted user

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): Cooking, organizing things to fit into a small space (I'm a master at finding places for things), I guess I'm an alright cleaner, I can vacuum but I need headphones on to block out the sound, I can mop, etc.
Potentially annoying things: I lock myself in a closet when I get panicked, I tend to listen to music when I draw but I can get some headphones, my art space is usually pretty messy but I can keep the mess contained. There are some things I'll probably ask you not to do cause of my sensory issues.
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I'm a good gardener, I'm pretty strong so I can carry stuff, I'll paint your walls-

I'm more of a 'gets little sleep or a lot of sleep/ most of the time is a late nighter but tends to wake up in the middle of the night and stays awake for a few hours' if that happens, don't worry I'll just be under the blanket reading

@The-Magician group

@Moxie Well I mean if we find like a Japanese style condo in Germany then that’s pretty much what it will be.

There are some that have like a few floors of rooms, you access them through an elevator, and there’s a bathroom on each floor. Then on the first floor you have a communal kitchen and living room, and the ground floor is where like all the laundry stuff is done.


I wish we could have like a huge communal kitchen and living room :(

Yeah that'd be so fun. Are giant domestic dorms a thing?

@The-Magician group

I wish we could have like a huge communal kitchen and living room :(

Yeah that'd be so fun. Are giant domestic dorms a thing?

See my previous post

Deleted user

Oh, I could probably find a pretty good college to get my history degree in (since that'll probably make more money then being a makeup artist) I ask that we find a place that doesn't take a road trip to get to a museum

Deleted user

Me and Mir can share a room and I don't need much space, so we could probably squeeze in another person.

@Moxie group

@Moxie Well I mean if we find like a Japanese style condo in Germany then that’s pretty much what it will be.

There are some that have like a few floors of rooms, you access them through an elevator, and there’s a bathroom on each floor. Then on the first floor you have a communal kitchen and living room, and the ground floor is where like all the laundry stuff is done.



@saor_illust school

oof sry that took so long

Life Skills: Uhhh I can cook-ish. Sometimes will do cleaning, but usually it's when I realise I have no choice, because then things will get super dirty.

Potentially annoying things: I stay up really late generally, and might make some noise. Uhh I tend to eat a lot more at night, so I'd probably make several meals at like,,, midnight lol. I'd probably also spend most of my time cooped up in one area of the house too.

Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I can speak like,,, a couple words of German lol. ig i could play music?? idk if thats something yall wanna hear. uhh i can embroider, kinda.

@Pickles group

Life skills (cleaning, repair, cooking): I can cook (mostly) and bake (mostly), I like to vacuum but I despise all other forms of cleaning
Potentially annoying things: I'm almost always listening to an audiobook or music, or watching YouTube, I'm hungry all the time, I'm too lazy to clean, although I could probably be neat if I didn't have so much stuff, I'm sometimes in a quite rotten mood
Potentially beneficial things that aren't life skills: I play flute? I will yell at you to eat and drive you to get fries, I know all the words to approximately half of the lightning thief musical and Heathers, plus most of the intro of into the woods. Will aggressively sing with you.


I wish we could have like a huge communal kitchen and living room :(

Yeah that'd be so fun. Are giant domestic dorms a thing?

See my previous post

Whoops didn't see it, ha. Thatd be really awesome.

@Pickles group

Wait nevermind I guess I'm rooming with 4 people
Like a small family of chaos

Mir and Reed can share a room, we can share a room, and Emi can have her own. Or you can share a room with her if you decide you can't stand me