forum We Angrily Scream about High Clefs because High Clefs Are NOT FUN (All Band People Welcome!)
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Deleted user

Same with our band director
He practically teaches band to fifth graders and all the way through to high school. So… He knows most of us personally, which is great.


My band has piccs glares angrily at the screechy bois and normal flutes, and occasionally an alto flute if there's a part written for it, but never have we ever had a bass flute cries
In my opinion, if we have to put up with demon instruments such as piccolos and soprano effing saxophones, we deserve some bass flute

Deleted user

We have the occasional soprano sax but thats sorta it
Maybe a contra bass clarinet if we're lucky
Or an english horn
But otherwise that's all we have as far as oddities

Deleted user

when they're played by multiple people and have awful tuning….
But being played by one person isn't all that bad.


The entire bass section of our band consists of one bass clarinet, one trombone, one euphonium, one tuba and one bassoon
We have 51 people in total

Deleted user

We have like 140 members total
But we have two separate classes between like the more musically advanced players and… The not so musically advanced.

Deleted user

We have schools nearby with over like 200 members
It’s crazy.

Deleted user

I just don’t know what else to say.
Do you have that one member that thinks they’re the best in the world but is actually terrible at playing?

Deleted user

:0 no, I’m talking about faking it ‘til you make it kinda thing….
I’m sure you aren’t a terrible player….


I just don’t know what else to say.
Do you have that one member that thinks they’re the best in the world but is actually terrible at playing?

Probably not
Because our band is selective

Deleted user

We split into two classes based on skill
But freshmen always have to take the class for the technically less skilled no matter what


We have two major wind/brass bands, with high and low level, a couple of jazz bands, a couple of string orchestras, literally a chamber music ensemble for every instrument there is and a couple of trio/quartets


We split into two classes based on skill
But freshmen always have to take the class for the technically less skilled no matter what

We do that too, although freshmen can audition into the top group. We've had freshmen come in being the best players in their sections, which is a little insane.