forum We Angrily Scream about High Clefs because High Clefs Are NOT FUN (All Band People Welcome!)
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To change tracks for just a moment, I'm in the pit band for our school's production of Shrek! The reason that this is so significant is that we just got a new band director, and our old director wouldn't do ANYTHING like this for us. He never even told the bands about the Junior and Senior District competitions around here, so when we finally sent people our seniors (including myself) felt like we missed out on some seriously fun things! I've gone for chorus and whatnot, but the only people I knew in the bands came from other schools with far more funding. Well, goodbye to that old pill! Actually, no, he's still playing in the pit band with the other professionals because the school won't let him go. He just wants to retire, man!

Deleted user

…. So….
On that related note…
We had our fall musical or whatever, and it was supposed to be "Xanadu." Don't ask me what it is, I have no idea.
But we (band kids) were super upset since they wanted a certain band to do it, and there was no pit band.
I mean the performers did have roller skates or whatever, but it just kinda made us disappointed.


Xanadu, I think, is supposed to be like a disco/rollerskating Greek Pantheon, but it's nothing like the Rush song and that makes me sad.

Deleted user

I talked to my friend who actually went to the play that was coordinated by our school, and they said it wasn't all that great.


My highschool did the same thing back when I was in, like, sixth grade or something. All I remember was color, rollerskates, and people saying it wasn't good. Also, it was a terrible movie before it was a terrible musical!

Deleted user

I mean we obviously play classic…. Like Carmina Burana right now….
And Westminster Carol and Sleigh Ride (sorta…)
But everything else is just kind of "what the heck even is this?"