forum We Angrily Scream about High Clefs because High Clefs Are NOT FUN (All Band People Welcome!)
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Deleted user

Oh… I was talkin to the previous comment, but yes
We should start a club

Deleted user

Look it up on youtube
Its super cool. Its like that one song that's used in almost every dramatic action movie

Deleted user

We be playing that right now and its super epiccccccc as hecccccccc

Deleted user

….. Can you explain….. Please…..? I don't…. Ummm….. (Imma dumb as hecc please help me out)

Deleted user

Yo I play snare on the down low

Like…. On the down low??? Is that like….??? What???
(Sorry if I'm like a dumb heccin igmo right now)


Snares just read treble cleft rhythms, and mallets just read treble clef.

Bass too, right? Marimba music is like piano music with 2 attached clefs because the range is SO HECKIN BIG


I play it on the down low meaning I’m not in any of the band class my school has, I’m only in pep band and that’s only because their last snare player quit in the middle of a game and they needed someone and I was like I learn fast and I’ve always wanted to play drums and they were like here have some sticks and beat that funky drum over there the way we tell you and I was like ok and so I did and they were like we’re keeping you.


Only Low brass and woodwinds play base clef.

And orchestral horns occasionally. It's really weird cuz I'll be reading in treble clef like normal and then it just sWiTcHES to bAsS and sometimes it's going really fast and I can't read bass well. It would be easier if the composers just wrote 8vb or… MAYBE they could CONSIDER giving low brass parts to the LOW BRASS.

And meanwhile the first trombones are playing really high notes so yeah, I feel like the composers just try their best to inconvenience everyone.