forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

Just show them, I think.
Like, you're shaking, Nat. There's obviously something going on. They should figure it out if you just show them.
And… I'm not sure how much a doctor would help, anyway…

Deleted user

How am I supposed to tell them?!
I mean I have nothing against my family but we didn't even go to the doctor's office when I nearly destroyed my elbow a few weeks ago

Say "Mom/Dad/Mom and Dad, I have anxiety attacks. I start shaking and can't breathe. We need to do something about this. Need to."
Be persistent. In this situation, being a bit of a brat helps.


Okay. Sounds like a good idea.
I like rlly don't want to say anything in front of my siblings tho, but yeah my mom told me to talk to her if something is wrong so I'll try to talk to her tonight.

Deleted user

Okay. Sounds like a good idea.
I like rlly don't want to say anything in front of my siblings tho, but yeah my mom told me to talk to her if something is wrong so I'll try to talk to her tonight.

sibs can be annoying

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Okay. Sounds like a good idea.
I like rlly don't want to say anything in front of my siblings tho, but yeah my mom told me to talk to her if something is wrong so I'll try to talk to her tonight.

I feel you. I don't like talking about personal things with my parents if my sister is in the room or within hearing distance.

Good. You should definitely talk to her.


My siblings can be seriously insensitive sometimes…..
I love them tho
They're all younger than me so I guess it's in the little sibling contract to annoy the oldest…

Deleted user

Okay but
My brother moved out a while ago
So now I'm the oldest kid in the house
And I'm a little terrified? I haven't done this before…

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Aw. :3
Well, I'd just say to make sure they stay safe, don't take it personally if they don't listen to you, and love them.
That's pretty much the best thing you could do.