forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
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people_alt 5 followers


Oh my goodness
I didn't even have to say anything to my mom
My hands were shaking violently at supper
They still are so it's kinda hard to type
But I told her that I was getting panic attacks……..I might have downplayed it tho
But I still told her

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Oh my goodness
I didn't even have to say anything to my mom
My hands were shaking violently at supper
They still are so it's kinda hard to type
But I told her that I was getting panic attacks……..I might have downplayed it tho
But I still told her

Good, I'm glad you did!
At least she knows now.


Guys it's only getting worse……..Idk why
Like there is absolutely no reason for me to be having panic attacks rn

Deleted user

Oh my goodness
I didn't even have to say anything to my mom
My hands were shaking violently at supper
They still are so it's kinda hard to type
But I told her that I was getting panic attacks……..I might have downplayed it tho
But I still told her

Well… it's good she knows now
Has she said anything yet?


Guys it's only getting worse……..Idk why
Like there is absolutely no reason for me to be having panic attacks rn

Can I ask what exactly happens?

Okay, ahmm…'s like, I feel as if a freezing cold hand has plunged into my back and is squeezing my lungs and my heart, so my breathing gets short and fast and my heart starts beating really fast and my hands start shaking. It feels like bees are buzzing in between my should blades, and I start shaking all over then it's like I can't focus on anything and whenever I look at something it's like my eyes go out of focus.


Oh my goodness
I didn't even have to say anything to my mom
My hands were shaking violently at supper
They still are so it's kinda hard to type
But I told her that I was getting panic attacks……..I might have downplayed it tho
But I still told her

Well… it's good she knows now
Has she said anything yet?

So far she's only looked at me with this rlly worried expression and asked if there was any specific reason, I said no.


i just saw this
praying for you Nat!!!
anxiety attacks suck.
i haven't had a really bad one in a while but i used to have them like…really bad. I never actually told anyone, please don't be like me lol


Don't worry, I told my two best friends already
They're a real help
One of them told me that she might not give rlly good advice(she's great at giving advice, btw, she just doesn't think so) but she told me one time during a panic to just tell her stuff, anything I was interested in(we were texting on gmail bc my mom's phone died) and my panic attack disappeared after ten minutes of talking with her.

Deleted user

I dunno I'm kinda nervous
I just told some pothers on here my religion… I was anxious as to how they'd react
Lol they reacted fine