forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

In MN, if it's 50ºF, people are wearing shorts and t-shirts…
If it's 100ºF, then we're all complaining about the heat and probably in some body of water trying to cool off.

Deleted user

Lol. Same here. Except for me. I just can't.


Deleted user

I really like sweaters, even though it's super hot where I live
I once went on a long walk in summer
And I had my fluffy black sweater on that I didn't take off the entire walk
I didn't complain once about how I was sweating buckets

Deleted user

When I was younger we were moving and I LOVED stuffed animals so I had a bunch… my parents got this huge box.. it was the biggest they used… And it was just full of my stuffed animals

@Imperfect_Autumn group

When I was younger we were moving and I LOVED stuffed animals so I had a bunch… my parents got this huge box.. it was the biggest they used… And it was just full of my stuffed animals

That's me. Still.

Deleted user

I gave all mine to my siblings… they were overflowing my room… I felt bad cause I couldn't take care of em all
I kept one tho… my best buddy.

Deleted user

Yeah, I keep mine limited. I only ever sleep with one. A giant bunny.

My best buddy is a bunny
He's mint green
Very soft
Medium sized

Deleted user

I gave all my stuffed animals a name
And a backstory
I also had a whole day dedicated to them where I'd dress em up
Once I gave my dalmatian stuffed animal (I named him Noodle.. my brothers used to call him 'Noodle the Poodle' and I'd get mad cause.. he's a dalmatian.) a band aid cause he fell
I just really loved em all

Deleted user

I'm going to throw up. Oh my gosh. This show!!!

Mine is tan. Giant. Like, it was bigger than I was when I got it. Granted, I wasn't even one, yet…

That's… still pretty big it sounds like though…