forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Hey so look who's bored
Uhh… I guess this is going to be my place for my randomness… you can add to my randomness if you want

So hey I'm Skit or Skittles and uh I like acorns and pinecones and once I watched a Krampus documentary thing and the memory is probably going to haunt me for the rest of my life

Deleted user

I feel really sick, but I'm actually not, is this normal?

Deleted user

I feel really sick, but I'm actually not, is this normal?

Can you explain more how exactly you feel sick?

Deleted user


How ya doin

I'm gud, hbu?

I'm… doing

Deleted user


I've got a cat that's almost 16 lbs.
That's my contribution to the randomness.

I've got a dog that's as heavy as a 6 month baby

Deleted user

(That's… Light… That's a light dog.
What is it, a pug? Or bull dog?)

(I know it's light lol
It's a mix of a few breeds… I forget which exactly…)

Deleted user

Oooh, my sis and I found cookie dough flavored marshmallows!!! They were really good.

I'm jealous