forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
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Deleted user

Sad! My mom is allergic, that's why our cats live outside.

We don't have an outside so

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Sad! My mom is allergic, that's why our cats live outside.

We don't have an outside so

We barely have an outside… We live in the middle of the city.

Deleted user

Well lets just say I'm not on good terms with cats. Walks out.

Deleted user

Its kinda thing, they always try to bite me a lot. But lile Im ok with them.

Deleted user


@Imperfect_Autumn group

No, it's not that bad, actually.
When it gets in the upper 80s and 90s then it's hot.

I live in the midwest, our "hot" is different than those south of us. Same with our "cold".

Deleted user

Lol, I live on the northeast, mediocore weather is really rare for us though. Its either REALLY HOT, REALLY COLD, REALLY SUNNY, or REALLY RAINY.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Lol, I live on the northeast, mediocre weather is really rare for us though. Its either REALLY HOT, REALLY COLD, REALLY SUNNY, or REALLY RAINY.

Lol. My weather can go from 40º and cloudy to 80º and sunny in about a day. Or in one day, sometimes…

Deleted user

Lol, I live on the northeast, mediocore weather is really rare for us though. Its either REALLY HOT, REALLY COLD, REALLY SUNNY, or REALLY RAINY.

For me
It's either really hot or hot but bearable

Deleted user

Snow is a problem. But its a strange thing. LIKE EVERYONE ELSE GETS 5 FEET AND I DONT???!!! Its just so annoying, but I like snow. BUT NOT WHEN IT GOES SLEETING AND HAILING ALL SPRING!!

Deleted user

Seriously though, we had a hail storm in may, MAY!