forum The Strange Thoughts of The Skittles (Warning... very weird things ahead. Proceed with caution.)
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Deleted user

I wear this bracelet 24/7… I love bracelets..
And my mom gave it to me so
You can put essential oils on it and sniff it and it's supposed to help calm you down

Deleted user

Hm maybe I should start doing the drawing prompts again… those really helped me improve… except toward the end, then my style got lazy…

Deleted user

I wear sunglasses every day, pretty much. I like hats, too. And I also have a bracelet that I wear 24/7.

I wear sunglasses every day too
Because my glasses convert to sunglasses lol

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I wear sunglasses every day, pretty much. I like hats, too. And I also have a bracelet that I wear 24/7.

I wear sunglasses every day too
Because my glasses convert to sunglasses lol



I’m very sad rn and it’s my parents fault

Why? What happened?

My mom and dad are saying I can’t go to the theatre to watch a movie ever and I’m mad now because they let my brother watch Deadpool with his friend and I’m not allowed to go there.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I’m very sad rn and it’s my parents fault

Why? What happened?

My mom and dad are saying I can’t go to the theatre to watch a movie ever and I’m mad now because they let my brother watch Deadpool with his friend and I’m not allowed to go there.

Ever? Why?

Deleted user

Mine is a stuffed Calico cat :)
Her name is Mimi

Deleted user

I haven't had any real food today
I never even noticed
I should probably go change that…

Deleted user

I'm developing this puppet creature right now
They are very creepy…