forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@HighPockets group

My muffins turned out dry but pretty good

box mix or scratch

… mix

milk instead of water, butter instead of oil(and don't be afraid to add a bit extra) and an extra egg. some box mixes don't require some of these but generally it works

anything vanilla, add a splash of vanilla extract. chocolate, do cocoa powder or a teeny bit of hot cocoa powder, and ALWAYS add salt to the box mix i'm serious it make a Difference

D: you're a hero
I used some almond extract (it was a raspberry jiffy boxed mix) and that was good

Almond extract is highly underrated

Honestly weird extracts are the shit
You need something quick and fun for a summer bbq or 4th of July event?
Make white chocolate fudge and mix in some root beer extract, BAM! Root beer float fudge. It's too sweet for most adults to enjoy more than a few bites, but kids love that stuff
For a more laid-back one, use orange instead of root beer

Adding different extracts to a recipe that calls for vanilla when we're out is a hobby of mine but it doesn't usually turn out well
There's a reason it says "1/4 tsp vanilla extract" and not "a splash of every extract in the house"

Vanilla and fruit extracts vibe well together
So does chocolate and some fruits (usually red ones)

Deleted user

if I lived with any female here every time I saw you I'd pass out

@Pickles group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my zero chill and fear of being mocked

@HighPockets group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my zero chill and fear of being mocked

Oh same, especially when I'm trying to say something I find important or funny


if I lived with any female here every time I saw you I'd pass out

perfect, you'd be safe from me

we would not work well living together though. i think we're both well aware of that

Deleted user

if I lived with any female here every time I saw you I'd pass out

that would be very worrisome

it's just that i'm so gay and you're all so pretty

@Pickles group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my zero chill and fear of being mocked

Also my texts are a wreck because I check for typos as I hit send. And I make a lot of typos

@HighPockets group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my zero chill and fear of being mocked

Also my texts are a wreck because I check for typos as I hit send. And I make a lot of typos

I text like a weird mix of boomer and zoomer, I'll make meme references and stuff but also use correct capitalization

@Pickles group

if I lived with any female here every time I saw you I'd pass out

that would be very worrisome

it's just that i'm so gay and you're all so pretty

You'd be passing out from fear when you see my face. I look much better in the pictures I post than I actually do

@Pickles group

If we do move in together, please note that my jokes and overall thoughts are only filtered when I'm typing them

Yes I have a difficult time making the words come out right. I misspeak a lot and it doesn't go well with my zero chill and fear of being mocked

Also my texts are a wreck because I check for typos as I hit send. And I make a lot of typos

I text like a weird mix of boomer and zoomer, I'll make meme references and stuff but also use correct capitalization

My phone automatically capitalizes the first letter of each word but I don't usually capitalize proper nouns unless my phone corrects me or I'm naming two people and it only corrects one. Because I feel weird saying something like "Ash and dom" where it's not consistent

Deleted user

frankly miriam is insasnely super heckin pretty and it's just not fair >:((


if I lived with any female here every time I saw you I'd pass out

that would be very worrisome

it's just that i'm so gay and you're all so pretty

that would be very worrisome

@HighPockets group

imagine being pretty

i'm sure you could tell us all about it

i really hope this isn't creepy flirting i'm just trying be friend i swear

Tbh I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not pretty
I just wished I looked a bit more intimidating
Like, my posture is there and my eyes and mouth usually are, but my face is…not


I'd be prettier if I could lose like twenty pounds

I just don't have enough, uh, chest to balance out my lower body and it makes me look, like, 13

Deleted user

eyeliner and black nail polish are the keys to looking intimidating

also keep that back extra straight

if you're gonna make eye contact with people don't smile

and think "murder" (that one's a tip from my amazing auntie. just think "murder" and let your face react. usually you get a kind of scowl.)


imagine being pretty

i'm sure you could tell us all about it

i really hope this isn't creepy flirting i'm just trying be friend i swear

Tbh I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not pretty
I just wished I looked a bit more intimidating
Like, my posture is there and my eyes and mouth usually are, but my face is…not

wear a ski mask! carry a large knife!! all your problems will solve themselves!!!

this has been crocs' fashion advice corner