forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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@Pickles group

please don't take my gender away I've been waiting 15 years and I finally found them >:[

you didn't FIND him, you STOLE them and refused to give her back

@larcenistarsonist group

please don't take my gender away I've been waiting 15 years and I finally found them >:[

you didn't FIND him, you STOLE them and refused to give her back

then what was YOUR gender doing behind MY house????


Fuck the school system fuck the school system fuck the school system I am so sick of this shit
I don't want to go into it but argh I just want to fucking scream


for real

@Pickles group

please don't take my gender away I've been waiting 15 years and I finally found them >:[

you didn't FIND him, you STOLE them and refused to give her back

then what was YOUR gender doing behind MY house????

fine. we had a fight. I don't wanna talk about it


My school email says I checked out a book called, 'Vladimir todd: eighth grade chronicles.'
Which is the dumbest title ever, But I never checked it out.

??? this sounds like a threat?

School: Read the book Pato, read the book
Me: No, I don't think I will


Would like to be rude to my parents for being transphobic. I have a trans friend that I have to misgender constantly in order to not lose contact with him. If my parents knew he was trans they wouldn't let me talk to him anymore and I don't want that, but it means I have to use the wrong pronouns for him when talking to them and it makes me mad bc I think of him as a guy (bc he is) but they'll only ever see him as a girl and that's how they refer to him (they don't know because again, they'd never let me talk to him again) and it makes me angry because I want to respect his pronouns and use them but if I did I would lose him as a friend. So yeah. Just. Fuck transphobes and homophobes

@ElderGod-kirky group

i'd also like to be rude to my parents for constantly bitching about the covid regulations and acting like they know shit when my mom is practically yelling anti-mask orders to my sister because of the school mask regulations. they insist that it's their bodies and they can do whatever they want, and that the government can't tell them what to do with their bodies, and there's some government ulterior motive behind covid

dad was also bitching about how australia has strict covid regulations. and the only reason he brought them up was because mom made the comment that they should "start shooting these people" (y'know, pro-maskers and gov people making the regulations and suggestions), and he had to point out that they can't shoot people because the government took away their guns

i, for one, would not want to deal with an armed aussie. they're criminal descendants and live in satan's playpen

@Pickles group

I miss the feeling of having a really bad crush. Just so bad. Not the "I'm kind of interested" sort of crush. When you cry because they're so pretty
I haven't felt a strong positive emotion for more than a minute in almost a year and I really miss it. Even if it has to come with crushing loneliness and anxiety
And that, folks, is how we know it's time to take our antidepressants and get them adjusted when we go to get our prescription extended

@HighPockets group

Feeling the worst that I have since my mental breakdown in March, I can't think too much without wanting to cry. It's not even anything serious, I'm just so angry and overwhelmed and nothing makes me happy right now. I just feel like I'm stuck in a miserable loop, as always.


If he's allowed to do any mandate he wants, and reach over the heads of congress to put in these mandates without a vote and without consensus, who's to say the next president can't? Who's to say that the next Republican president can't decide "I'm going to mandate that LGBTQ people can no longer __" fill in the blank with whatever you like. Yes, this is a "state of emergency" still, but it's a slippery slope. The more he does without the approval and consent of congress, the easier it becomes for a future president to say "Well Biden set the precedent so I can do it too" and then guess what? Congress becomes useless (more so than it already is lmao) and the presidency turns into a dictatorship, and no one will be able to stop it

@Pickles group

Yes, this is a "state of emergency" still, but it's a slippery slope.

you just explained why it's not a slippery slope

He's doing what he can to get as many people vaccinated as possible


That's a long term speculation, but I'm kind worried about the same thing. My mom has been talking to me about how it's bad to mandate the vaccine this heavy, because you can't make people put thing in their body they don't want. And obviously that's right, but how far do we go when keeping people safe from the un-vaccinated? Idk it's one of those things I don't really have an opinion on but am still vaguely anxious about.


Yes, this is a "state of emergency" still, but it's a slippery slope.

you just explained why it's not a slippery slope

He's doing what he can to get as many people vaccinated as possible

Except no, it still is. How long will the pandemic last? How long will the state of emergency last? If it lasts until his term is over, and (god forbid) Trump manages to get elected again? Do you think he won't take advantage of the precedent Biden is setting?


That's a long term speculation, but I'm kind worried about the same thing. My mom has been talking to me about how it's bad to mandate the vaccine this heavy, because you can't make people put thing in their body they don't want. And obviously that's right, but how far do we go when keeping people safe from the un-vaccinated? Idk it's one of those things I don't really have an opinion on but am still vaguely anxious about.



yo so. I've been thinking abuot this for a while and I'd like to try out using she/they pronouns? Tentatively? I wanna see how they fit if that makes sense (obviously I already use she/her but I'd like to try out they/them too?)? soo. yeah. idk. she/they for now, just for a bit, to see if I like how it fits


Dropped out of a discussion because someone else was rude—in a way I associate with Tumblr, if that makes any sense—and fucked if I was going to derail by addressing that. It's like…do you think you're somehow special, jerk?

yo so. I've been thinking abuot this for a while and I'd like to try out using she/they pronouns? Tentatively? I wanna see how they fit if that makes sense (obviously I already use she/her but I'd like to try out they/them too?)? soo. yeah. idk. she/they for now, just for a bit, to see if I like how it fits

Do it. Screw 'em if they can't handle it.

@tungsten fastfood

yo so. I've been thinking abuot this for a while and I'd like to try out using she/they pronouns? Tentatively? I wanna see how they fit if that makes sense (obviously I already use she/her but I'd like to try out they/them too?)? soo. yeah. idk. she/they for now, just for a bit, to see if I like how it fits

fuck yeah man, do it! I got your back