forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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Deleted user

I mean valid (EDIT: I meant this to Swim). Fortunately after I refused Animefan left me alone so… happy I guess?

Deleted user

I just came off very strongly with knife vibes I think, so I scared them away.

Deleted user

Also, question? Does it make you feel fear to see the "Private with Animefan" caption appear over an RP? It's like, oh no. They've got another one. I mean people will realize they're pretty much a troll soon enough but it still sends fear vibes in me.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Most of the time these kinds of people turn out to be really homo/transphobic or racist so I write the gayest most diverse shit and force them to until they leave :D
And they haven't said anything to me in a few hours after I pointed out 'meditation helps motivate them' was not a character motivation so I don't think they're coming back

Deleted user

Good for you, Swim. Fuck those weirdos. But not litera-sorry my ADHD brain went off there a little at the end.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

One literally said to my character "try real sex" when offering up their female character after my character expressed the fact they like guys so he went and did her in a time skip but then oop he's bi now and he's still going to destroy you :)
but yes not literally I would never write a word of actual smut with these people

Deleted user

Good for you two electric boogaloo, honestly that's just,,,, we have no time for the queerphobes. Stomp them into the ground.

@The-Magician group

I also received a message about RPing, not too long ago in fact, and just ignored it. Sorry but unless you’re asking me a question or you want to have a general chat, don’t message me.

@The-Magician group

Something else that bugs me about this person is the fact that they follow 62 accounts, two of which were created 4 hours ago. Like— What??
And don’t even get me started on the way they rp! @Fraust i honestly don’t understand how you haven’t screamed at them yet…


It was amusing at first but I'm getting very tired ^^;
We even made a joke character intended to be bad (I mean, her name is Rosetta Stone lmao) but like
I just don't know what I'm supposed to do with the empty responses, no plot, no personality, characters that aren't even really theirs, etc


I can't tell whether they're a troll or not? Like they claim they're seventeen but I don't think I believe it 😓


But anyway do y'all mind if I post a long ass rant that I wrote out a little while ago to complain to a friend? Because I genuinely need advice sfhjjk


I keep making or joining new roleplays and my partner just vanishes off of the face of the fucking earth
Like, I'm no perfect author, but I like to think I've got decent enough writing skills and am interesting enough that all of my roleplay partners wouldn't just abandon me, and yet here we are
Am I really just that bad at writing? Or am I just expecting people to be more active than they are?
But like, the thing is, I see people replying to other roleplays while they actively ignore me and I just don't know what to think anymore?
Like I try not to be annoying, I usually only bump once every two days, sometimes slightly more frequently if I've seen them online a lot, but still
What am I doing wrong? Am I doing something wrong, or am I just reading too much into it?
So many of my roleplays have died and I don't think it's been my own fucking fault, because I always try to reply within a few hours of when my partner replies
I try to give my replies enough substance to reply to, and I try to make my characters interesting, and I feel like I'm the only one putting any effort in
I'm just so fucking done with it all, you know?
There's only like, three people who reply to me regularly, and that accounts for the seven active roleplays I'm in
I have joined so many roleplays in my almost three years of being on notebook
Am I seriously doing something wrong? Do I have a bad reputation for something? I honestly need feedback, because I don't know what to do at this point


dude first of all feel that, second of all i'm so guilty of that tho

and its almost never the fault of the other person(i think ive done it to you once or twice), its always my own fault. be it burnout, too many other roleplays, im busy, or im just bored with the roleplay plot, im constantly starting and dropping them. its why i really only ever roleplay with circe anymore, and ice just recently. cause im super flighty. circe and i's roleplays are good, 'cause neither of us expects regular replies and that means when we do reply they're always when we want to, when we're excited and ready to write and need to write something. i think thats the thing, is everyone roleplays differently and has different roleplay needs, so sometimes they dont mesh


The problem is, I just worry that they've forgotten about it and lost the notification and I'd much rather people just tell me that they've lost interest so I'm not always holding out hope that they'll reply someday
Like, I get that people are busy, and that I'm more active than most people, and I 100% don't expect people to put me over their mental health (nor have I ever asked anyone to), but like… please don't just ghost me for a month without warning especially when you're still replying to other things (other roleplays, chats, etc) because then it feels like it's me personally
(You obviously not being you in particular, just as a general pronoun for whomever)


honestly the best i can do is say tell people that at the beginning, stress that you wont be mad if they drop it and that you'd rather they told you they lost interest in that plot, so that in the future you guys could do something else, instead of ghosting you. i get so nervous, even on the internet, that people are going to be mad at me. just make sure at the beginning they know you wont be!


Yeah, I guess so
It seems like a lot of people will be active for a bit and start a few new roleplays and then suddenly vanish off the face of the earth with no warning ^^;
I genuinely want to keep most of my roleplays alive and it can be really frustrating when the other person doesn't put in the effort, or just suddenly drops it if the plot hits a dry spell
Like, there are so many other ways to deal with that which don't involve leaving
Someone got mad at me because I bumped a roleplay four times but like
They ghosted me for almost a month, and the bumps were all several days apart, and they were still online and replying to other things, so I don't know what I was supposed to think
And I'm trying to be the bigger person here and just let it go but you know, it feels great when they're trying to talk about me behind my back assuming I don't read general forums :)