forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Anyways here's the screenshot, I just wanted there to be concrete proof of the bad vibes. TW for the F slur, I am allowed to reclaim it because I'm trans and I usually just use it either out of self deprecation or wanting to come off as aggressive because I'm having a mild panic attack. If the slur triggers you, don't read my last post. There's my post to avoid being notebook-cancelled.

@HighPockets group

Trust me lmao it takes a lot to get Notebook Cancelled
Also yeah, that's a super weird way to bring up their race…definitely seems like a bot to me, or a troll of some sort.

Deleted user

Trust me lmao it takes a lot to get Notebook Cancelled
Also yeah, that's a super weird way to bring up their race…definitely seems like a bot to me, or a troll of some sort.

Yeah. Like, probably not a bot but a troll or stupid teen at least. And thanks.

Deleted user

Especially not me??? Like, I don't care if you're a person of color (in like, a "i recognize people's culture but don't let that cloud my perception of them" way not an "i don't see color" way.) honestly??? Like, if you want to vent to me about race-related things I'm probably not the best person but I'll try to be empathetic, but otherwise I don't think it matters online as long as nobody's being a jerk about shit. I'm whiter than white so I can't speak on this but it does make me uncomfortable when people pretend to be a certain thing that they're not or use their identity as a criticism-proof shield. I see the latter wayyyy too much in queer circles, don't let this spread.

Deleted user

it does make me uncomfortable when people pretend to be a certain thing that they're not or use their identity as a criticism-proof shield.


"I'm gay! I can't be racist!" sure thing Bobert, now explain that fucking logic because it feels like you just pulled it out of your ass.

@ElderGod-kirky group

if you're lgbt+, you shouldn't be racist

not that other people should, but as an oppressed minority themselves, they especially should understand how Bad it is. it's practically hypocritical

Deleted user

LEGIT THIS. Like, our oppressions are not the same, we are not the same, but isn't that the point? To love beyond the need to understand it all? We are stronger together, act like it!

@Katastrophic group

good to know im not the only one who got weird pm's over the past few days
Like i don't mind pms but it was a little wierd to go through the small talk (hi, hello, how are you, etc) and then just a random "do you rp?"
…i have never posted in the rp sections of the forums. i don't even lurk there. i only post in art and occasionally here in general or on the worldbuilding stuff. idk it just came across as bad vibes but i thought i was being paranoid

Deleted user

my first charrie died due to some bad rolls and a lot of penguins 💅

I have had three character deaths in one campaign

  1. Rats
  2. God kebab
  3. Tiamat

Deleted user

Oh jeez, I'm soooo sorry. Like, I get the feeling. It's annoying and bad vibes and honestly, even if you don't know the etiquette of a new site you should take time to learn.

Deleted user

I mean I generally refuse creepy people as a rule so… yeah I am glad I did.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

See I rp with people like this (did it with death man too) just to like
let my 'troll' side out and mess with them/just not have to give a shit about the rp and have something to throw words at

@HighPockets group

good to know im not the only one who got weird pm's over the past few days
Like i don't mind pms but it was a little wierd to go through the small talk (hi, hello, how are you, etc) and then just a random "do you rp?"
…i have never posted in the rp sections of the forums. i don't even lurk there. i only post in art and occasionally here in general or on the worldbuilding stuff. idk it just came across as bad vibes but i thought i was being paranoid

I'm not super prevalent in the roleplay forum (I stalk one and am in two) but I still get those sometimes, and from users I've rarely–if ever–interacted with. It's a weird mix of feeling flattered yet also uncomfortable, and I always feel bad turning people down. I'm pretty picky when it comes to roleplaying.