forum The Roodeness Shenanigans
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people_alt 110 followers


I have a question, but I really don't know if its offensive or not
but I'm genuinely confused and I haven't really educated myself on this topic.
But why is being Asexual or Ace considered LGBQT? I mean isn't just the lack of appeal towards sex?
Once again, I mean no offense, I absolutely have no idea what I'm talking about

Because you aren't straight. Being straight is experiencing romantic and sexual attraction to someone of the opposite gender and being aro or ace is Not That

Ohhhhh, but what if a straight person doesn't want sex? Does that mean they're ace? Once again, I'm stupid and mean no offense

Being asexual is not feeling sexual attraction. It's a spectrum, so there's lots of specifics, like demisexual (one of the more common. Sexual attraction happens only after you have a deep emotional connection). There are lots of uhh.. feelings? Regarding the yiff itself, for example, being sex repulsed, which means the thought and act is gross and nasty. I can't really remember the rest of them but Owen knows them because she's Smart™. Owen or I could go into more detail about all that if your interested.
Celibacy is an allosexual (people who regularly feel sexual attraction) thing and it's choosing to abstain from sex. Like what school and a lot of religions teach you

Holy shit there's a spectrum? That's so interesting, as an ace person would you per se experience emotions on the same level as others? Also whats Demisexual? Please educate me, I'm a dumb shit.


Hey so I have a few questions too

I can appreciate the thought of being in a romantic relationship with male and females but I cannot see myself in a sexual relationship with females. I also prefer having a sexual relationship after sometime and emotional connection. So I identify myself as Biromantic Demisexual, is that accurate?

Deleted user

You can still have a lean for guys or gals

It’s really just how you want to express and label yourself.

@HighPockets group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

A fucking lit teacher, I wish I had that-


I'm.not sure how to label myself, though.

I labelled myself as bisexual in high school but I talked to my friend Kat on here and discovered some more. After researching I thought that biromantic demisexual was the appropriate label.

I just want an accurate label but I'm not sure what it would be

@ccb group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

@HighPockets group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

Yeah, I could possibly help
Shakespeare is sort of My Thing


who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

merchant of venice, Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, king lea


My mom hated shakespeare growing up and as a result she never taught us anything about it
She's made it clear if we want to read them we can but otherwise it's not necessary, just do your math

Deleted user

Demisexual can (as far as I know) mean for both or either gender. I’ve started to question my own demi/asexuality so I don’t think I’m the best person to ask.

@HighPockets group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

merchant of venice, Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, king lea

Okay, I'm very familiar with all but The Merchant of Venice! Less so with King Lear but I'm currently putting it on with my family so I do have a pretty good grasp on it.


who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

Yeah, I could possibly help
Shakespeare is sort of My Thing

oh hey jyn-

@HighPockets group

My mom hated shakespeare growing up and as a result she never taught us anything about it
She's made it clear if we want to read them we can but otherwise it's not necessary, just do your math

You should start with A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's pretty short and very fun!

@HighPockets group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

Yeah, I could possibly help
Shakespeare is sort of My Thing

oh hey jyn-

Finger guns


Demisexual can (as far as I know) mean for both or either gender. I’ve started to question my own demi/asexuality so I don’t think I’m the best person to ask.

Oof, I apologise
I should just label myself as questioning

@HighPockets group

My mom hated shakespeare growing up and as a result she never taught us anything about it
She's made it clear if we want to read them we can but otherwise it's not necessary, just do your math

You should start with A Midsummer Night's Dream, it's pretty short and very fun!

Also the Sparknotes website has side-by-side translations of a lot of them for free!
@philosophicalmess they have all four of those on there with the side-by-side translation

@ElderGod-kirky group

I honestly really don't know what I am, when it comes to sexuality, but I think I'm demi. I can appreciate aesthetically pleasing people, though it's not very often? Like, my mom will have her celeb hotties and try to pressure me into agreeing with her that they're hot (they're not, at least to me, and all guys) but the people (male and female) that I find pleasing to the eye aren't the people she would be attracted to. And I wouldn't say I'm attracted to them, just… I dunno, appreciating their beauty?

I've had very minor crushes that don't last long, but I don't ever find myself sexually attracted to anyone. But I don't say I'm ace because I don't explicitly know if I do or don't want sex? Like, it's not wholly unappealing to me, in theory, but I've obviously got no experience in that area ghfjgh. Would I consider dating people that I know well though? Yes. It's happened before.

I'm just rambling at this point ghfjgh. Disregard my nonsense

@ccb group

who the fuck said. 'lets give a bunch of uninterested teens four Shakespeare books to read' ffs

which ones??

merchant of venice, Romeo and Juliet, hamlet, king lea

ooh merchant of venice is… a lot to process, sociopolitically, but portia is as great as any cross-dressing shakespeare heroine (and they're all great). romeo and juliet + hamlet you're probably already at least a little familiar with. lear is one of my favorite tragedies! kent is probably my favorite character, i like watching him grapple with the question of what loyalty means (just blindly trusting someone, or loving them enough to question them? watch out for that). they'll all be much easier reads than you think!

@ccb group

(my favorite is twelfth night, so if you wanna add even more shakespeare on top of the four plays you already have to read… lol)