forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

Of course! I think I needed to share that a good, loving relationship is 100% possible between someone who's allo and someone who's demi. A lot of people seem to think it doesn't work that well, but it absolutely can.

@Pickles group

I don't get it either
So what if they don't want to have sex right away? If that's a major dealbreaker for you, then you're not really that deeply in love.


@HighPockets group

I don't get it either
So what if they don't want to have sex right away? If that's a major dealbreaker for you, then you're not really that deeply in love.


If someone tried to tell me that they truly, deeply loved me and yet wouldn't be in a non-sexual relationship with me, I would not believe that they loved me.



what part of texas tho cuz uh I'm here too and the idea of someone being close ish is exciting

omg i know this is from a few pages back but hi i am a texas bean too. AFT I never knew you were a texas frond

!!! that's heckin cool



what part of texas tho cuz uh I'm here too and the idea of someone being close ish is exciting

omg i know this is from a few pages back but hi i am a texas bean too. AFT I never knew you were a texas frond

!!! that's heckin cool

:D ikr

Deleted user

phgdbdjdns, I don't live there but literally half my family does

Deleted user

My family is scattered about in the U.S. and also in Europe.


I was looking through upcoming queer chat groups, and they have a button for a "quick escape" that takes you back to your google home page, and can I just say that's really considerate for closeted peeps? Like I've been in that situation where I've fumbled around with my phone trying to look natural and definetly wasn't looking at ace/aro pride art, no way. Having that button is nice.


you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Deleted user

I look back at my past and go "Damn, I had even less of a filter then."

Deleted user

I just laughed and I think I may be part helium baloon

@HighPockets group

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Sometimes I randomly remember that I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten but I didn't tell anyone because–I kid you not–I didn't know who would wear the wedding dress if we got married (don't @ me I was like 6)

@Pickles group

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Sometimes I randomly remember that I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten but I didn't tell anyone because–I kid you not–I didn't know who would wear the wedding dress if we got married (don't @ me I was like 6)

That's so cute

@HighPockets group

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Sometimes I randomly remember that I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten but I didn't tell anyone because–I kid you not–I didn't know who would wear the wedding dress if we got married (don't @ me I was like 6)

That's so cute

Thanks lol I remember thinking "all the guys I know are gross, maybe I should marry a girl-"
I'm still laughing about the wedding dress thing, comphet is a hell of a drug


thinking about the french foreign exchange student who really made me question my sexuality in seventh grade-
I talked to her about Sherlock and that's the only thing we ever had a conversation about but I thought she was super cool and "I just wanted to be her friend!!"


you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Sometimes I randomly remember that I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten but I didn't tell anyone because–I kid you not–I didn't know who would wear the wedding dress if we got married (don't @ me I was like 6)

That's so cute

Thanks lol I remember thinking "all the guys I know are gross, maybe I should marry a girl-"
I'm still laughing about the wedding dress thing, comphet is a hell of a drug

I got married twice in kindergarten. To two boys~ bleh

Deleted user

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

Sometimes I randomly remember that I had a crush on a girl when I was in kindergarten but I didn't tell anyone because–I kid you not–I didn't know who would wear the wedding dress if we got married (don't @ me I was like 6)

That's so cute

Thanks lol I remember thinking "all the guys I know are gross, maybe I should marry a girl-"
I'm still laughing about the wedding dress thing, comphet is a hell of a drug

I got married twice in kindergarten. To two boys~ bleh

I killed a guy in kindergarten :D

@Pickles group

Once I had a girl go, "are you sure you're straight? Because you talk about hating boys a lot."
And i said yes so she goes, "really?" So my automatic response was, "Yeah. You're very pretty but I don't want to sleep with you." I think she was a little weirded out
Yeah that was before I figured out I was aroace


I remember having a conversation with my best friend back when I was maybe 5 where we both wished one of us was a boy so we could marry each other
there was also my inability to make friends in my youth group cause some girls there were so cool and pretty that I got too nervous to even speak to them-
and let's not forget the "hey idiot, we should totally kiss each other as a joke, no homo" event from last year's bible camp

and that doesn't even cover all the obvious ace hints


younger me: "man she is soo pretty. I wish I was her friend. I just wanna spend a lot of time with her"

also younger me: "what the he c kl e, of course I'm straight!"


The biggest hint I didn't take was when everyone would play truth or dare, and I always always pick truth, and they always always asked "who's your crush" to which I replied no one (or on rare occasion made one up), then they'd all call me a liar lol. I never got that whole having a crush thing. And I've completely lost count of how many "aren't you lesbian?" "I thought you were lesbian", and "are you sure you like boys?" I've gotten. My sexual ambiguity is a running joke with friends I don't bother to explain the entire ace/aro-spectrum to.