forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

The biggest hint I didn't take was when everyone would play truth or dare, and I always always pick truth, and they always always asked "who's your crush" to which I replied no one (or on rare occasion made one up), then they'd all call me a liar lol. I never got that whole having a crush thing. And I've completely lost count of how many "aren't you lesbian?" "I thought you were lesbian", and "are you sure you like boys?" I've gotten. My sexual ambiguity is a running joke with friends I don't bother to explain the entire ace/aro-spectrum to.

One time I replied with a guy I saw in a musical at another school and I refused to give a last name so it led to a bunch of 8th graders scrambling to try and figure out who the mysterious actor I liked was
I based a character off of his take on the character he played

@The-Magician group

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

I don’t even remember my old self.
I wish I could, honestly, because I’m pretty sure I was fucked up back then even more than I am now cough shaved my head cough.
I don’t even remember when I started liking girls, it kinda just happened and before I knew it I was kissing my friend in front of a lot of people backstage during a school production of Alice in Wonderland..

@HighPockets group

you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

I don’t even remember my old self.
I wish I could, honestly, because I’m pretty sure I was fucked up back then even more than I am now cough shaved my head cough.
I don’t even remember when I started liking girls, it kinda just happened and before I knew it I was kissing my friend in front of a lot of people backstage during a school production of Alice in Wonderland..

Oh hey, I did Looking Glass Land in middle school! It sort of sucked since I didn't understand the plot (I'm not really one for absurdist stuff, and I especially wasn't then) but it was the first show I ever did.

@The-Magician group

Oh hey, I did Looking Glass Land in middle school! It sort of sucked since I didn't understand the plot (I'm not really one for absurdist stuff, and I especially wasn't then) but it was the first show I ever did.

Oh really? That’s so cool!
I don’t know how it works in other schools, by my high school drama teachers would choose the idea for the production (eg. Alice in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol, Narnia) and then write a short script for the auditions. Only after individuals had been cast would they then write the entire script and write everyone’s characters to suit their acting skills. Oh and let’s not forget the songs they included as well.. that was a nightmare…

@HighPockets group

Oh hey, I did Looking Glass Land in middle school! It sort of sucked since I didn't understand the plot (I'm not really one for absurdist stuff, and I especially wasn't then) but it was the first show I ever did.

Oh really? That’s so cool!
I don’t know how it works in other schools, by my high school drama teachers would choose the idea for the production (eg. Alice in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol, Narnia) and then write a short script for the auditions. Only after individuals had been cast would they then write the entire script and write everyone’s characters to suit their acting skills. Oh and let’s not forget the songs they included as well.. that was a nightmare…

We would do licensed shows, although my middle school English classes would do short little skits about the books we read in there (well, for 6th and 7th grade small book clubs anyways) and we'd have to cast and write them ourselves. For actual shows I was in Looking Glass Land, Bye Bye Birdie, A Midsummer Night's Midterm, The Snow Queen, Into the Woods, and Henry V, most of which were for school. There was a super talented singer in my 6th grade class and they forced in a gospel choir song for her in Looking Glass Land so she could flex, and somehow I ended up getting a solo towards the end lol. The director also made some little songs for Midsummer.


Not to interrupt, but I'm going to live this here before I'm offline for a while.

I'm kinda low-key questioning my gender. Well, maybe not gender, but more so my thoughts on my gender. This is a safe space, so I'll just spew here.

I was thinking back to my childhood days. When I was a kid, I always thought "when I grow up I'll be a girl," and now I'm realizing most girls that age might've already felt like girls. I never subscribed to gender-norms (which isn't that big a deal, plenty of tom-boys out there), never felt like "one of the girls", never liked playing boys vs. girls because I didn't identify as one of them. But at the same time, I knew I wasn't a boy. I thought, and please someone tell me if this is a common experience for cis folk, that you were you, and everyone else was either a boy or girl. You were kind of on the outside of gender looking in and sorting other people, but you never categorized yourself. Now I'm wondering if that was more of a me thing.

Puberty came along, which made me feel a little more woman-y, but didn't change much. Locker rooms became a thing, and I hated the idea of being seen by women while undressing as well as seeing other women undressing. I think if I were in a men's locker room I'd feel the same way. When it comes to public bathrooms, sometimes I feel weird going in, like I'll get "caught" or I'm doing something wrong. I like using family restrooms better.

I came across the term agender a long time ago and thought "understandable". When I heard of the non-binary community, I kind-of-but-not-really was like "yeah, these are my people." I only recently came across the term grey-gender, which was the first domino leading to this rant. It basically means you feel indifferent/don't have a strong sense of gender.

I'm pretty sure I'm a cis woman, but, if this makes sense, how much of a cis woman? If everyone had a gender meter, I think mine would be close to empty, but the only gender you'd find is cis girl. Being a girl isn't that important to me. I know I don't identify as a boy. I'm not trans. So now I'm stuck with the question, is it possible to be cis and have a non-binaryish identity? It might also be worth noting I've never experienced gender-body dysphoria, but based on all those experiences I would say I experience some social discomfort regarding my gender (but it could be just the world's view on women influencing my feelings).

Gender is a complicated experience dude. This be whack. If anyone has opinions on these experiences/thoughts, please share them.

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Y'all wanna know the funny thing about my past self?

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Y'all wanna know the funny thing about my past self?

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Y'all wanna know the funny thing about my past self?

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My mind decided to get rid of unimportant things such as childhood memories, all my years of math, how to make grilled cheese, what my family looks like, etc.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I either have specific memories of my past or none at all, there is no in between

I remember when I was 6 or 7, and my brother got one of those little electric car things that you drive around for his birthday, and he ran over my foot. I was wearing overalls, pink Keens and a pink bandanna.
But what I did last week?
No clue.


you ever just look back at your old self and think dear god how was i such a dumbass
i legit thought i was straight
what an idiot
and to think it's only been a month or so since connecting the dots

lol being straight was my phase take that homophobic priests who told me i'd "get over it"


the time my family + my cousins went to an Abe Lincoln memorial place while on a road trip to Chicago in 2011 and there was a giant Lincoln head and the oldest cousin touched Lincoln's nose and us youngers couldn't reach that so we touched each other's noses?
remember that really well.
people I met at the wedding in 2017?


Oh shit you put it into words

Do you have similar experiences/thoughts? Cuz I'd love to hear them if you're comfortable.

@HighPockets group

Oh shit you put it into words

Do you have similar experiences/thoughts? Cuz I'd love to hear them if you're comfortable.

I've just felt weird lately
I don't have gender dysphoria and I generally like my body, but I've been feeling…off about the fact that I'm perceived as a woman.
A big part of it is how heavily women are sexualized and I hate the fact that I can be seem as a sex object by some people.


Oh shit you put it into words

Do you have similar experiences/thoughts? Cuz I'd love to hear them if you're comfortable.

I've just felt weird lately
I don't have gender dysphoria and I generally like my body, but I've been feeling…off about the fact that I'm perceived as a woman.
A big part of it is how heavily women are sexualized and I hate the fact that I can be seem as a sex object by some people.

That's understandable. I don't feel so bad about being seen as a sex object, mostly because I've kinda decided that's their problem and it doesn't really have anything to do with me. But yeah, I've felt both off and indifferent, and I'm suspecting gender isn't what I thought it was.


But I'm still comfortable using she/her pronouns and stuff.

Same here too. Grammatical gender has never been a big deal to me. Sometimes being referred to as they/them makes me a little excited, but I think that has more to with the sense of mystery rather than gender identity lol.


I was in Wal-Mart today and in this particular store, there is a decently sized Pride Section. And it wasn't any super obnoxious, or anything, which I appreciate. But I was looking at it and I smiled when this middle-aged woman came up and said in a very rude done "if you're not queer, you shouldn't looking at that." and I was really confused so I turned and said, in my opinion, a nice voice, "Excuse me?" she looked at me and said "You are obviously straight, don't look at all of that weird gay stuff" now, I don't tell people that I'm queer, but this chick just pissed me off. I dropped all emotion and said "I am an biromantic demisexual. I have never met you in my life and I'm not make assumptions on yours, I would enjoy it if you didn't make assumptions on mine." she them looked at me and said "Oh please, you made up those words, if demisexuals and biromantics were real words, then what do they mean?" I then explained what they meant. Then, this teenager came up to us and turned to the woman and asked "mom, is there a problem?" and she told them about how I was making up words and I was just confused and how she was just saying how she casually mentioned that I looked straight. I look at this person and the had a black ring on their right middle finger. I smiled at that and showed them mine. They hi-fived my and dragged their mom away. Day was horrible, but then it was made