forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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WELCOME New Person
I don't know if I'm new person but if not
I'm Izu I hate my real name so just call me Izu. I'm genderfluid so I have different pronouns I don't care what you call me though


The past week I have been hinting at me being bisexual and people have been treating me different and now I want to go hide from the world


The past week I have been hinting at me being bisexual and people have been treating me different and now I want to go hide from the world

i'm not good at comforting or anything but if you need virtual hugs to feel better then i gotchu !
it really does suck when people treat you differently tho, i feel u


The past week I have been hinting at me being bisexual and people have been treating me different and now I want to go hide from the world

i'm not good at comforting or anything but if you need virtual hugs to feel better then i gotchu !
it really does suck when people treat you differently tho, i feel u

But the thing is I flat out said I'm in a relationship with a woman and people went nuts

Deleted user

For our non-binary pals here:

For those who can't access it or are simply not in the mood to click on the link; it options for videogame character gender. The first is female, the next is male, and then:

"My dear sir, there are people roaming the streets of Fallen London with the faces of squid. Squid! Do you ask them their gender? And yet you waste our time asking me trifling and impertinent questions about mine? It is my own business, sir, and I bid you good day."

The story behind this is rather interesting, here's a link to it and I'm not gonna type this up for you btw, sorry, I'm too lazy. Just a tidbit of fun for the day!


You know what's really great?
Being out to your parents but knowing you won't ever be able to come out to your dad's side of the family because they're all conceited assholes and one of them cheated on his wife, plus they're all homophobic and transphobic, so I can't win.

You know what's really great? When you have two homophobic, Christian parents who would never understand……