forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

Hamilton, Something Rotten, She Loves Me, Anastasia, Great Comet, Hadestown (but I haven't listened to all of it), Into The Woods, Ghost Quartet


Hamilton, Something Rotten, She Loves Me, Anastasia, Great Comet, Hadestown (but I haven't listened to all of it), Into The Woods, Ghost Quartet

Hadestown is a full blown agree, Great Comet I tREASURE, Anastasia (it closed too soon) and Hamilton are also gems, and I haven't listened to the rest


Hamilton, Something Rotten, She Loves Me, Anastasia, Great Comet, Hadestown (but I haven't listened to all of it), Into The Woods, Ghost Quartet

Hadestown is a full-blown agree, Great Comet I tREASURE, Anastasia (it closed too soon) and Hamilton are also gems, and I haven't listened to the rest

The heathers into the woods and dear Even Hason and Hamilton


Agree for DEH. My top right now would be Hadestown, Falsettos, Miss Saigon, Waitress, 21 Chump Street, Bare (the pop opera if anyone assumes the musical I will punch them into oblivion), TGWDLM

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I'm seeing DEH tomorrow.

woAH where?

It's touring in my town


I saw it in February when it came to Seattle and I may have bought an eighty dollar hoodie

Ooh how was it? Tour? Also, I'm already saving up for the merch cause it's so expensive


Guys. Oof. Okay here’s the tea. My dad was selling pride shirts through his work and stuff and it’s become this whole thing in my family. Like they were talking about it at dinner with my grandma and my dad starts talking about someone he did work for (like on her house or something) and this woman was talking to him about her life and all that because they’re like friends already, and she goes my daughter just came out to me and I brought up your name and my dad was like lol glad I could help. And I’m just so confused because up until now I thought I’d never be able to come out to them. And now I don’t know. Is it all just a front for other people that will disappear as soon as it’s their own daughter? I mean, years ago when my parents confiscated my phone, they went through my texts and saw my convos about my sexuality and my mom sat me down and told me she thought it was just a phase and how she thought she was gay in high school but she was just annoyed with boys at the time and that was all. And I was like sure whatever you say, and we’ve never addressed it since. But years have gone by and I’m fairly certain now, and with all of this I don’t know what to do.


Hello I just got the hipe of a century and sometimes you need to look yourself in the mirror and think about your life thats what I did and now I pretty darn sure I'm bi