forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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AWWWWWWWWW YAAAS! I have two gay bois who are similar in that aspect!

I love them both so much. Especially cause their romance doesn't play a major role in the story like most. It's just there for funny moments and facepalms while giving some representation.


A couple of minutes passed and Klaus had downed 4 more glasses. The lady–whose name is Patty, Klaus had found–began to ask him some questions about his mysterious friend. "Sooooo, is he like a friend or a friend?" She moved her brows suggestively then winked. Klaus almost fell out of his stool.

"Friend! Just a friend! Ficken Hölle! I don't even think Alex knows I'm bisexual!"

"You're bi?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, you just look… how do I put it nicely?"



"It's okay, I get that a lot."

"So, what does your 'friend' look like?" Klaus thought had to think about it for a second.

"Uh, short, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes? I-I mean, he's attractive looking I guess. Like, maybe I don't obsessively like him, but if he were to like me I guess I would give him a chance?" Patty was cleaning some glasses and was listening in on his rambles about his so-called "friend." "I-Its just… I don't know. He's so secretive and kind of harsh to me sometimes. But, there's times where I see him being so nice and genuinely smiling and it sort of… makes me happy. He also has this adorable bed hair, it's just so fluf-" Klaus realized that Patty was staring at him with an eyebrow raised. "What? What is it?" She sighed.

"Oh, nothing. You know how men are."

"I don't understand where you're getting at-"

"Hey! Is that your friend? He looks pretty accurate to your description. He's got a lot of piercings and is wearing a bright, neon purple tie-" Klaus whipped his head around. He spotted him almost right away. It was getting easier to spot him in a crowd when you have to keep track of him every five seconds or he disappears.


(It got better)
"Yeah, that's him."

"He's pretty cute, just not my type." Klaus turned around and gave her a puzzled look. "I'm a lesbian."



Oh shit! I got lost in my PMs! I'll get that fluff OK?

It's okay! I was doing homework anyway.



The jeep bumped slightly as Watan parked it. He gazed at Siegfried, leaving the keys in the ignition, before opening the driver's-side door and getting out. The jeep stayed at a low purr, as Watan slid over the hood. Near the end, he almost fell off, before catching himself in an awkward position.
A naturally worrisome Siegfried snickered, in his singsong way. Watan approached him, taking off his Easterner jacket, it's long, wide sleeves flapped lightly in the wind, the outside was damp, but inside of it, was comfy enough. Watan presented it to Seigfried, the fabric whipping around his chin. He wrapped it over the other boy.
"Thanks." Siegfried huffed, his face splitting into a faultless, childish smile.
"You're welcome, Sieg'." Watan responded, as his spiky blond hair ruffled in the wind like a rainforest canopy. "I'm sorry your motorcycle broke down."
"It's OK… Aren't you cold?" He asked, becoming more worried, his pink, frigid cheeks becoming warm.
"I have the warmth of our friendship to meep me comfortable." He professed.
Siegfried slugged Watan in the shoulder; an unusual thing for a meek boy to do.
"You corny fuck…" He said, trying not to laugh.
Watan stomped over, through the light, thin, icey slush. He pounced, putting Siegfried in a headlock, flicking his forehead a few times.
"That's no way to talk to a guy who just gave you his coat, especially in weather like this." Watan tried to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
Siegfried's blond hair bounced as he laughed.
"I know, I'm sorry…" He apologized gingerly.
Watan marched back to the other side of the jeep, getting back in.
"My ass is wet from the hood of the jeep…" He revealed, chuckling.
The two boys laughed together as they drove through the slush of Sorowina…



That sounds pretty lowkey gay to me, lol. My story has now took an unexpected turn and it's either going to be really funny, really depressing or maybe to make things more intereasting both.


Yes! Very very gay! But the gay doesn't happen til' book two!
Want more?

I'm always hungry for more!



Watan gave a satisfied sigh as he finally pulled into the outskirts of town. He cruised for a bit, parking in the lot of the nearest inn, taking his keys out of the ignition. He waited, as the distant roar of Siegfried's motorcycle grew closer. He pulled in next to Watan, his engine sputtering before falling silent.
The two boys dismounted, and two pairs of blue eyes scanned the place.
A two-story building with a very strong, brick base, sheetmetal roofs, and the smell of crisp sheets and cold beer wafting from it. Above the entryway, was a woodburnt sign that read 'The Eyeless Boar', and the sounds of music and cheering could be heard.
"Nice pick, Watan." Siegfried congratulated.
Watan's jaw slid to one side, as he rested his left hand on the handlegrip of his flashpistol, ready to burn someone's eyes out if they ran up on his best friend.
"We'll see…" The older, taller boy huffed in a low voice. "Towns like these can be… You know…" He added.
"I know…" Siegfried echoed, running a hand through his neat, dapper hair.
They entered.
The place mostly contained farmers and merchants, although a group of mercenary soldiers, each with a dark long-coat and plasma-rifle, sat around one table. A cheer roused the place as some person proceeded to take shot upon shot.
"Nice place, eh Siegfried?" Watan asked, his face softening.
"Erm… Yeah…" The smaller, younger boy agreed, falsely. He shrank in disappointment, before flinching as a hand rested on his shoulder. It was Watan's.
"If you don't like this place, we can find another." Watan suggested.
"It's fine… I'm too tired to care…"
"You sure?"
Siegfried hugged Watan, who covered him in the long, wide expanse of his kimono-like Easterner jacket. They waltzed to the main counter like this, before Siegfried broke off, muttering thanks.
"Hi there… We need a single room!" Watan greeted a small, mustached innkeeper. He slid twelve coins, only two of them regional West Sorowinian currency, but they would do…
"I'll escort you up in a minute." The innkeeper said.
The boys glanced at eachother, their stares hanging.
"You didn't have to pay the whole thing…" Siegfried said.
"It's fine." The other boy huffed.
"Are you-"
"Sieg'." Watan cut him off, hugging him again. "It's OK… Either way we lose the same amount of money, and gain the same room."
"Yeah… But… Still…"
"Try not to be so irksome, please…" Watan half-joked.
Siegfried sighed.
"I love you…"
"I love you too…"


@Moxie group

Lol I came out to my friend last night and here are two things she said that I found hilarious: (she’s pan btw)
“I should have known you’re too cool to be straight.”
After I was sitting with my foot up on the table: “I should have known from the way you sit.”


Oooooo~ Is this one of those one bed kind of stories?~ I love those! That's actually what I'm writing right now, except nothing interesting happens except one of them accidentally opens the bathroom door and almost sees the other naked and one of them keeps having nightmares so guess who has to comfort them :))))).


Oooooo~ Is this one of those one bed kind of stories?~ I love those! That's actually what I'm writing right now, except nothing interesting happens except one of them accidentally opens the bathroom door and almost sees the other naked and one of them keeps having nightmares so guess who has to comfort them :))))).

Mine is a sci-fi/fantasy rom-com about two gay bois who go on a recon mission and end up playing a huge part in winning a worldwide war with an undead Tyrant-King and a Necromancer and their hordes of monsters and armies. There's lots of fluff along the way!


Well, my story is taking an unexpected turn but I'm hoping I can turn it back around later.
Let's just say somebody taking Alex somewhere quieter and Klaus is getting bad vibes all around.