forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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I'm sure it'll be alright and honestly, fretting about it won't help. Just IMO. None the less you have me to rent to vent to or cry too if you need to do any of those things.


im just kinda panicking because I told them and they didnt respond at all, no "kay" noe "ehat's that" just silence. and now im panicking and my brain is jumping to conclusions about what they may be thinking and now im a mess who needs to do homework but cant focus


I have those stops a lot. Just earlier today nobody responded to me, and I thought, well actually don't know what I thought would have happened. But it turned out they were okay. Matter of fact they were more than okay.


Yeah, they were just writing a long response………… heh….. but yeah. It went well! They kinda had an understanding of what Aromanticism is and were just wondering kinda how I figured it out and stuff! Thanks for responding, Shuri, it helped.


my friend is so nice! She's being super supportive and affirming! like… She offered to let me be the cool fun Aunt to her future kids someday! Guys im so happy! I love my friend so much, platonically!


We were sitting by one of the walls at our school and it was hella cold (bc I was smart and decided not to wear a jacket) and I brought my knees up to my chest and tried to warm up my hands and he scooted closer to me. I had the sudden urge to lay my head on his shoulder bc I have been feeling particularly brave as of late, and i almost fell asleep with my head on his arm. He just sort of looked at me, smiled, and said "I'm guessing you're tired?" and he let me stay thee for the rest of break and I am crying aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Is it bad that I want to do cute couple things, but I don't want to be in a relationship?

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dies I’m very much sad. I don’t know why, I just randomly am. Maybe it’s because I can’t draw gay things correctly.

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dies I’m very much sad. I don’t know why, I just randomly am. Maybe it’s because I can’t draw gay things correctly.