forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@HighPockets group

I watched half of the Very Potter Sequel and I didn't know that I needed East Coast 'Gay as the Fourth of July' Dumbledore in my life but it turns out I did.


I watched half of the Very Potter Sequel and I didn't know that I needed East Coast 'Gay as the Fourth of July' Dumbledore in my life but it turns out I did.



For those of you who might not know, and as a reminder for those that do
Aromantic= no romantic attraction
Asexual= no sexual attraction
You can be both or just one or whatever mix of romantic and sexual attractions like someone could be a panromantic asexual or a aromantic homosexual or a biromantic demisexual or any number of other amazing combinations
Just to clarify it's Aromantic spectrum awareness week , not Asexual awareness week which does happen, and if I remember correctly it typically happens around the end of october while Aromantic awareness week is the week after Valentines day.
I know tone can come across badly over the internet and I want to be clear that I am not trying to make anyone feel bad or target anyone or anything. I just want to help you guys understand and learn stuff. Seeing as it's Aro-spec awareness week, it's the perfect time to learn about these things! If you search the tag on tumblr you're sure to find a bunch of really cool and informative stuff. Even i'm learning more about Aromanticism this week. <3 <3


Mkay so I need help for a friend from you gays

So this human is mainly attracted to girls. She has this really small attraction to dudes tho which she finds annoying and problematic for herself. So technically, she isn't a lesbian, and although she wants to identify as one, she recognizes that she can't really with that little bit of attraction to dudes. This person can really only imagine herself with a girl and loves the term lesbian but doesn't want to fall for a guy and end up having to tell people that she is not actually a lesbian. She feels best when people refer to her as a lesbian tho but basically doesn't want to label herself as that and then maybe fall for a guy and have people tell her it was just a phase and stuff. And the term bisexual doesn't work for her personally (nothing against it, it just doesn't sit well?) My friend also said that she thinks that maybe she only feels this way because she has a big crush on a girl that's me w h y and thinks that maybe her attraction to females is strong because of that. Most of this be her own words indirectly.
So basically- she wants a simple label that tells people that she's mainly attracted to girls but dislikes the term bisexual and really likes being referred to as a lesbian

Any advice? (also i know that was long so have a virtual cookie)


Well, I’m not really an expert, but you could always just stick to the loose umbrella label of ‘queer’? Or ‘gynesexual/gynephilic’ means primarily attracted to women, I think


If she is comfortable with being labeled as a lesbian, I think that's the term she should use. If she's still uncomfortable with it, she could use the term queer or she could say that she is bi but prefers women over men.


she could just ditch the labels completely and tell people she's open-minded and doesn't care for labels when they ask about her sexuality