forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Speaking of ace/aro stuff…..
For those of you who are on the ace/aro spectrum, how did you realize that? I'm questioning if I'm demi or greysexual, but it's difficult to tell since I'm kind of young

@HighPockets group

Speaking of ace/aro stuff…..
For those of you who are on the ace/aro spectrum, how did you realize that? I'm questioning if I'm demi or greysexual, but it's difficult to tell since I'm kind of young

Apologies if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that demi means 'I feel sexual and/or romantic attraction to a person, but only after forming a strong emotional bond/getting to know them really well/knowing them for a long period of time' but gray is more of a 'I feel sexual and/or romantic attraction to this specific person, no matter how long I've known them for or not.'
I'm asexual, but romance-wise I'm demiromantic (at least I'm fairly certain I am, I need a certain level of 'know' to crush on someone) and biromantic (with a preference to girls)


My parents fell alseep which mean I have to stop practicing now, and that’s a bummer because I actually had the brilliant idea of getting my tuner out and playing with my piano becuase I have the lyrical sheet music for the song I’m practicing. (It was my audition song. Apparently, I need to work on pitch according to my choir director, which is why I wasn’t as good as some of the others. I know I have trouble with staying and hitting the right pitch, so I figured I should check myself while I sing. But I didn’t have the foresight to do that before my audition, so it looks like I’ll just have to practice this song again for next year.)


Well for me I get romantic crushes on everyone really easily, but I don't think I've ever really wanted to have sex with anyone. However, I'm not necessarily disgusted by the idea or completely opposed to it. That's why I'm a bit confused.

@HighPockets group

Well for me I get romantic crushes on everyone really easily, but I don't think I've ever really wanted to have sex with anyone. However, I'm not necessarily disgusted by the idea or completely opposed to it. That's why I'm a bit confused.

You can be asexual and not be disgusted/fully opposed to sex. You can be asexual and sex repulsed, sex neutral, or sex positive. I recently watched a video about writing romancey stuff and the maker of it mentioned having aces and grays in your romance at the very end and used a really good metaphor.

Say sex is like cake. Sometimes a person will really really really want cake, or feel like they need to have cake. Another might only want a certain type, say angel food cake, or cake from a certain bakery. Others might not usually want cake, but one day they see a cake that they really really want to have. Others might not really feel the need to have cake, but eat it anyways because it tastes good. Or they might eat cake if the situation to have cake arises, but won't go out of their way to buy or make a cake. Others might be very opposed to eating cake, they might not want to eat it and/or find it gross, or a waste of calories.

From what you've described, I would say you're somewhere around being a panromantic asexual, but it's something that only you can determine. And remember it's okay to change labels and such, figuring yourself out takes time.


My parents fell asleep which mean I have to stop practicing now, and that’s a bummer because I actually had the brilliant idea of getting my tuner out and playing with my piano becuase I have the lyrical sheet music for the song I’m practicing. (It was my audition song. Apparently, I need to work on pitch according to my choir director, which is why I wasn’t as good as some of the others. I know I have trouble with staying and hitting the right pitch, so I figured I should check myself while I sing. But I didn’t have the foresight to do that before my audition, so it looks like I’ll just have to practice this song again for next year.)

I'm sure you'll make that audition next year. I'm sorry that you didn't make it this year.

Deleted user

Well for me I get romantic crushes on everyone really easily, but I don't think I've ever really wanted to have sex with anyone. However, I'm not necessarily disgusted by the idea or completely opposed to it. That's why I'm a bit confused.

You can be asexual and not be disgusted/fully opposed to sex. You can be asexual and sex repulsed, sex neutral, or sex positive. I recently watched a video about writing romancey stuff and the maker of it mentioned having aces and grays in your romance at the very end and used a really good metaphor.

Say sex is like cake. Sometimes a person will really really really want cake, or feel like they need to have cake. Another might only want a certain type, say angel food cake, or cake from a certain bakery. Others might not usually want cake, but one day they see a cake that they really really want to have. Others might not really feel the need to have cake, but eat it anyways because it tastes good. Or they might eat cake if the situation to have cake arises, but won't go out of their way to buy or make a cake. Others might be very opposed to eating cake, they might not want to eat it and/or find it gross, or a waste of calories.

From what you've described, I would say you're somewhere around being a panromantic asexual, but it's something that only you can determine. And remember it's okay to change labels and such, figuring yourself out takes time.

Not gonna lie, that was one of the best ways to describe sexualities.

@HighPockets group

Well for me I get romantic crushes on everyone really easily, but I don't think I've ever really wanted to have sex with anyone. However, I'm not necessarily disgusted by the idea or completely opposed to it. That's why I'm a bit confused.

You can be asexual and not be disgusted/fully opposed to sex. You can be asexual and sex repulsed, sex neutral, or sex positive. I recently watched a video about writing romancey stuff and the maker of it mentioned having aces and grays in your romance at the very end and used a really good metaphor.

Say sex is like cake. Sometimes a person will really really really want cake, or feel like they need to have cake. Another might only want a certain type, say angel food cake, or cake from a certain bakery. Others might not usually want cake, but one day they see a cake that they really really want to have. Others might not really feel the need to have cake, but eat it anyways because it tastes good. Or they might eat cake if the situation to have cake arises, but won't go out of their way to buy or make a cake. Others might be very opposed to eating cake, they might not want to eat it and/or find it gross, or a waste of calories.

From what you've described, I would say you're somewhere around being a panromantic asexual, but it's something that only you can determine. And remember it's okay to change labels and such, figuring yourself out takes time.

Not gonna lie, that was one of the best ways to describe sexualities.

Gratzi. The original cake thing was from the YouTube channel Jenna Moreci (the video was on writing sex scenes) and as I was typing out what she said I actually added a crap ton to the list so it's not really a direct quote but it's pretty close.


Well for me I get romantic crushes on everyone really easily, but I don't think I've ever really wanted to have sex with anyone. However, I'm not necessarily disgusted by the idea or completely opposed to it. That's why I'm a bit confused.

I feel that. The only difference with me is that I am only opposed to the idea of sex with someone who has a penis. I don’t want to get pregnant on accident, also I think they’re gross. (Sorry to anyone who has one, really I am.) But I’d be completely okay and very willing to have sex with another woman. So. Idk. I wasn’t trying to be helpful, just stating my angle.


I am bisexual and I wouldn't say that I'm aromatic, just feel that I am too young for sex. I have different preferences for both males and females. Somedays I feel that I like one gender better than the other and vice versa.

Deleted user

Now I'm going to do a cake based essay on sexualities.
screams into void
This is what happens when I'm bored

Deleted user

Now I'm going to do a cake based essay on sexualities.
screams into void
This is what happens when I'm bored

You do that! Good luck!

Danke schoen!