forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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i’m actually debating whether or not i should come out. Im really scared to do it tho


I came out to my parents (sort of accidentally) and I've come out to a few friends but I'm not like "officially" out yet


I'll either do it on coming out day or during the Homecoming parade at my school because I'm marching with our pride club. Whichever comes first I guess..

Deleted user

Il the same way, i’m Out to my parents but not to everyone, im just terrified that people will think im a different person or expect me to become a sterotype


I just told myself that if people are rude I'll block them out of my life. Easier said then done though…

Deleted user

Yeah, i dont care about the rudeness as much as i care about everyone treating me differently,


Hello there you seem quite nice but I don't quite like being called "babe" for certain reasons.

But anyways

Welcome to the chat! :D

(oh sorry) I call everyone babe// but you seem cool!

@HighPockets group

I didn't know that National Coming Out Day was a thing. Huh, that's cool though. I'm out to at least 1 person, and she only knows bc she was on this site and was stalking me bc we're friends and saw me come out to y'all. And maybe the cute bi girl? Kinda? She's on another writer forum and helped me set up an account, and in my profile I said I was bi-ace (idk, I might be pan-ace?? I usually just say bi, but I'm more attracted to personality than gender/appearance??)

Deleted user

I told my mum that clothes have no gender to see how she would react and she said "Dont do this shit again."


Who wants to know how I messed up the first time?

too bad. Basically it was summer and I have the biggest crush on one of the girls in our friend group. And we were hanging out at one of their houses and I was telling myself to come out to them, but social anxiety. Anyway we were playing truth or dare and I was whispering what I was gonna say (I have a secret crush) and one of the peeps heard me, and she's all like "whAT WHAT WHAT"
But then my mom came to pick me up so I just told them 'I have a crush on someone here right now' and I LEFT TEXTING THEM EVERYTHING ELSE.

and I didn't bring that back up until a month later.

@Becfromthedead group

Idk, I feel like no one really has any business around my being demisexual except for partners and really close friends who might talk to me about relationships. I told my bf at some point. I don't think he 100% gets it or remembers most of the time, because I brought it up like once, and he didn't know what demisexual meant… And I don't feel like talking about it ever except with one specific friend. It's just… I don't find people physically attractive except for people I'm close to. I don't even think I'd ever have considered dating someone who wasn't a good friend first.

@Moxie group

I didn't know that National Coming Out Day was a thing. Huh, that's cool though. I'm out to at least 1 person, and she only knows bc she was on this site and was stalking me bc we're friends and saw me come out to y'all. And maybe the cute bi girl? Kinda? She's on another writer forum and helped me set up an account, and in my profile I said I was bi-ace (idk, I might be pan-ace?? I usually just say bi, but I'm more attracted to personality than gender/appearance??)

Okay but the coming out thing it literally exactly how I accidentally came out to my bf
Also I’m out to like three of my friends and it went well and I might come out to a couple more soon. Idk. And I think I’m planning on telling my parents when I turn 18 right before I go to college. Sooooo it’s kinda coming up. Kinda but not really