forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Sorry for yelling but I just came out to my mom I just needed to get that off my chest thanks bye



It went pretty good, but I still feel super nervous for some reason. My parents are fine with it so I guess that's good.

@HighPockets group

My school has a GSA but I'm not out to anyone but 1 person so I'm not joining it. My phys ed partner was wearing a pride ankle bracelet the other day, one kid in choir with me was wearing a 'love wins' jacket with a unicorn and a rainbow, and also a hat with a pin that said 'he/him'. On a more sad note, a gay boy asked another boy to homecoming with like a big sign and stuff and he got turned down while everyone was filming it, apparently (I was home sick, still am).

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anyways y'all i have a crush on a girl and just…eeeeeeeeEEEzweeEEe


First question for you then

Is your crush gay? Like do you have a chance cuz I can help with that sort of advice.

But if she straight then I'm so sorry my dude

@Moxie group

Guys there's a qsa at my school but they only meet after school, so there's no way I could do it without my parents knowing :((((. Also, I'm friends with basically all the people in it (but they're not my main friend group) so I feel left out.

@Moxie group

I know them all pretty well cause we do theater together, they're just in the grade below me. That's a really good idea though, I should ask them

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I'm here and I'm queer. Shy, bi, and about to cry, not gonna lie, don't ask why. Hi guys!

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Yes, it's a skill I've gained from writing the dialogue for this one sort of psychic see-the-future mentor people, lol.

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Woman then? Or genderfluid? Non-binary? What pronouns do you want me to use?

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My naem is em
I am gae
i mean it
When i sae
alexa plae”
I tried whoop.
Also my crush is gay but i dont know how to talk to her HELP

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Fantastic! Actually, I've been wanting to use that rhyme for months now, lol.

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It took me a while while to figure out, so I get it. Rhyming isn't easy, haha.