forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Hi I’m bi and when I told my guy friend he was like I’m bi too and i was the first person he told and I felt so honoured.

Deleted user

whats your opinion on coming out?
I never thought about this until a friend pointed it out, but is it even neccesary to come out to the general public? I mean unless you are going to be dating someone'/ talking to them about your relationships often, do they really need to know? (not like you should hide it or anything) I just thought that was really cool and wanted to know some other LGBTQ+ people's opinions!! uwu

@Moxie group

Personally I really wish I felt safe enough to be out cause I would love to be one of those people who constantly brings up how gay they are but I get not everyone is like that.

@HighPockets group

I mean, I'm out to two people, and I didn't tell them, they found out via Notebook and WriteTheWorld. I'm not planning on coming out to my parents (at least my mom) as biromantic until I'm in college. Probably won't come out as ace to her either, but I mean I've pretty much dropped hints I don't feel sexual attraction for a hella long time. Like this discussion:
Mom: So you can be a nun, married, or consecrated single.
Me: Single.
Mom: You know that means no sex, right?
Me: Okay, so no sex.
Mom: Okay.

@HighPockets group

Personally I really wish I felt safe enough to be out cause I would love to be one of those people who constantly brings up how gay they are but I get not everyone is like that.

A friend of mine is like that and I don't think she's gay?? I mean, we were talking about GSA and she goes 'well I'm not gay or straight' but I didn't pry and it's nice, but sometimes I worry she'll say it to the wrong person (but my school, well the girls at least, are very accepting.)