forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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yeah well… i was thinking ab doing a coming out post but i just realized my extended family follows me on Instagram and snapchat….sigh. (A lot of the family on my mom’s side are v traditional)

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He took it really well! We were in history and was talking about men's rights vs. female's and I said. "But what about the genderfluid people, the Agender? Do we have equal rights?" I outed myself and he was just like "Cool" so now I have to explain to him what that means, but I came out to him!




Lmao I 'came out' on my snapchat story this morning with "Surprise! I'm not straight!" and I got a message from a friend at my school and her response was "Surprise? I think not."
Cuz I'm already out to most people in my community but some people still can't get it through their think skulls thAT I'M GAY

@HighPockets group

My family is Catholic, my dad would prob be fine my mom probably not and honestly I'm 99% sure my sister has a crush on one of her female friends and also on one of my friends it's like a weird hero worship thing I guess but also comes off as a crush to me??
If I told anyone it'd be either my mom's sister or my dad's sister.

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My dad isn't against it against it but whenever I mention heyyyyyy it's national coming out day or heyyyyyyy I have one of those trans friends coming over or heyyyyyyyyyyy look it's an ace hoodie 'what's ace' asexual like me
he's like like
breathes out from nose, smirking
Well, that's great sarcastically

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I know
My parents aren't super accepting all in all but my mom and grandparents are okay with it, I don't think my dad likes it much


we don't talk about it in my house…ever… never have and probably won't until I actually come out,,, I'd like to say that they wouldn't kick me out but sigh i don't know

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i was lucky and my parents seem pretty cool with it, they just don't really understand the whole thing, you know?