forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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Oof the struggle, and my school has a gsa I've always been too scared to join though. Although there was a guy leading it who had actually gone and gotten a certification and trained to properly help lgbtq+ kids and he ran it but he might have graduated

@HighPockets group

I thought about joining but like….I have this chat, two of my friends at school are LGBTQA+ so I can talk to them, and I have so much other stuff that I literally don't have time. And also PARENTS.


Yeah I had a friend going for a while but we weren't too close at the time but she couldn't keep going because she didn't want her parents to find out, Maybe say its a different club? Although that could backfire


My school has this thing where everyone says the pride club the anti-bullying club so closeted kids feel safer


Hello! Quick question does anyone here like to RP? Because like I made one a while ago. And we need more people. It’s called Dystopia (very open!!) it’s based off a book I’m writing. If anyone’s interested please check it out! Thanks


whats your opinion on coming out?
I never thought about this until a friend pointed it out, but is it even neccesary to come out to the general public? I mean unless you are going to be dating someone'/ talking to them about your relationships often, do they really need to know? (not like you should hide it or anything) I just thought that was really cool and wanted to know some other LGBTQ+ people's opinions!! uwu

i look sterotypically straight and nothing about my appearance suggests that i'm gay, but i don't like it when people automatically assume i'm straight and i'm pretty insecure about not being "gay enough" so i came out to pretty much everyone i know (except for my family) and bring it up all the time to help me deal with that insecurity i guess??

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Oof i was scrolling and saw this so was like WHY NOT. So hey here I am YEAH


I've been told that I don't look gay. Like one of my friends who knew exactly who was gay before they even knew was shocked when I said I liked a girl.

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whats your opinion on coming out?
I never thought about this until a friend pointed it out, but is it even neccesary to come out to the general public? I mean unless you are going to be dating someone'/ talking to them about your relationships often, do they really need to know? (not like you should hide it or anything) I just thought that was really cool and wanted to know some other LGBTQ+ people's opinions!! uwu

i look sterotypically straight and nothing about my appearance suggests that i'm gay, but i don't like it when people automatically assume i'm straight and i'm pretty insecure about not being "gay enough" so i came out to pretty much everyone i know (except for my family) and bring it up all the time to help me deal with that insecurity i guess??

Dude if you saw me You would be like " Well he dosen't look gay to me he dosen't even act gay." But here i am gay as HeIl and i act straight around alot of girls. Like we will joke around and i will be in class and i'll start poking them in the thigh or leg. Srsly


(off topic, I know but like….)
ACE PRIDE WEEK IS NEXT WEEK!!!! It starts the 22nd and goes to the 27th!
Im excited but also im not out to anyone at my college so its like kinda frustrating that I can't talk about it or like wear a bunch of pride stuff. Im not sure I wanna out myself either b/c it's a Christian college and there's been a lot of controversy about LGBTQIA+ issues lately. :/