forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

True. But I feel like there are certain aspects of orientation that aren't anyone's business unless they are a close friend/partner. Like if you're ace-spec, it's not exactly anyone's business whether you feel sexual attraction or not unless you're in a relationship and they want to do it… And I mean, no harm in close friends knowing either. I swear, every time people talk about other people being hot, I'm like "lol what's that mean?"


Yeah I've told people like I dont want sex but don't say I'm straight up asexual?
Also can we talk about how great it would be to date another asexual

@Moxie group

I mean, I'm out to two people, and I didn't tell them, they found out via Notebook and WriteTheWorld. I'm not planning on coming out to my parents (at least my mom) as biromantic until I'm in college. Probably won't come out as ace to her either, but I mean I've pretty much dropped hints I don't feel sexual attraction for a hella long time. Like this discussion:
Mom: So you can be a nun, married, or consecrated single.
Me: Single.
Mom: You know that means no sex, right?
Me: Okay, so no sex.
Mom: Okay.

I’m planning on coming out to my parents right before I leave for college when I’m 18. I don’t know how they’re gonna react but I just would not feel safe if they still had like legal authority over me ya know?

Deleted user

I'm out to my parents and i tried to come out to a friend (didn't go so well, she said I could be her GBF (gay best friend) and then preceded to distance herself)

@HighPockets group

Yeah I've told people like I dont want sex but don't say I'm straight up asexual?
Also can we talk about how great it would be to date another asexual



I mean I'm basically out to all my friends. Not my parents tho,, (we're muslims) and all my friends are accepting and I'm gonna officially come out to everyone on natl. coming out day so that's gonna be fun. I made cookies for the occasion.


I didn’t really come out. Like I did but it was just by telling them about me having a crush or in my mums case that I have a girlfriend.

@HighPockets group

I mean I'm basically out to all my friends. Not my parents tho,, (we're muslims) and all my friends are accepting and I'm gonna officially come out to everyone on natl. coming out day so that's gonna be fun. I made cookies for the occasion.

OOOOOOOOH what kind of cookies???


I'm out to my parents, brother and most of my school who knows me. I first came out to my mother when I was questioning, then later that evening to my father. I have very accepting and encouraging parents though, and I'm very lucky to have them by my side and am able to talk with them about important things in my life. I discovered new things about my sexuality and technically came out to my parents 3 times now.

Most people are surprised when they find out who I am. I don't fit the "mold" of a stereotypical lesbian, or gay person in general. I don't "look" or "act" like what I am, which surprises and upsets people. I make gay jokes, but my straight best friends didn't abandon me when I told them about my sexuality. I'm genderfluid and yet I still love my haircut of fluffy, shoulder-length waves. Even if I've told people before, they still forget because they still have that old image of me, the straight girl.

Basically, come out to whomever you want to, whenever you think the time is right. But please please please, be careful and stay safe if and when you do. I was born and raised in an accepting household but I didn't know how my parents would react to being one of the people they supported. I walked on eggshells as I slowly came out to more and more people, and mostly because I was manipulated into seeing that side of me as "not natural." My abuser is gone now, I've cut off all contacts with him and basically told him "fuck you" in every way possible.

Who I love is my business to know and figure out. Never let anyone else tell you differently. I learned that the hard way and nearly killed myself in the process of digging myself out of the pile of bullshit he buried me in.


Lmao thank you. I think I heard that in Hamilton from Lafayette but I could be wrong. I mean like I had hair that went down to my hips but I cut it all off because he said he found long hair attractive. He told me he liked it when I was more feminine and instead dressed as masculine as I could. He told me he liked confident girls and tried to make me more confident by taking advantage of me. I know now why he could never get with a confident woman, and that's because no woman with an ounce of self esteem would ever be interested in a boy like him. He said he didn't find cussing appropriate so most of my vocabulary now consists of "son of a dick" "fuck you" "shitty tittys" and "take it up the ass you cunt" when I finally told him off for good.

(Apologies to anyone but yes that's how I speak most of the time now lmao)

@HighPockets group

(Yeah it's from Hamilton I know bc my friend got in trouble for singing it during class since he thought it meant 'piss off' but it's used as 'eff off')

@HighPockets group

Also one of my crushes friends from my old school swears like a hecking Corellian sailor. WE WENT TO A CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND SHE SWORE 8/10 WORDS BASICALLY!!!
So I'm used to it.


I mean I'm basically out to all my friends. Not my parents tho,, (we're muslims) and all my friends are accepting and I'm gonna officially come out to everyone on natl. coming out day so that's gonna be fun. I made cookies for the occasion.

OOOOOOOOH what kind of cookies???

choco chips i'm actually proud of em since ive never made cookies before



So during the summer, my friend had a sleepover with a bunch of her school friends and I dont go to her school so I didnt really know them and since it's a sleepover, we started talking about our crushes. I casually mention that I'm crushing on a girl. (I wear a niqab so definitely a bit unexpected) Anyway my friend gets a gift from one of her friends and it's an LGBT book. I start reading it cuz I'm a big bookdragon. Later my friend tells me that the friend who gave her the book was extremely worried since I was reading the book until an hour later where I talk about the crush I have on a girl and she just goes all like afkjgjsdghlia and it was funny.

Deleted user

okay i'm not ace but

@HighPockets group

okay i'm not ace but

Also I'm wearing my most ace shirt for COD on Thurs. but I'm not planning on coming out……..yeah…..
And we did a lovely canon in choir that was called 'love is love is love' and I got to be part of a smol group for it and I honestly almost broke down in tears