forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

people_alt 232 followers


Hey guys I need some LGBTQ+ identity positivity lol anyone down to help me out

Ya of course! I've got a story if anyone wants to hear


So when I came out to my cousin Jaxson as genderfluid, he was kinda silent for a bit, then he nodded and said, 'if you're gonna be a guy, you've gotta be able to do the man hug' proceed to the engaging of the man hug, then I yelp because he somehow elbowed me in the stomach while trying awkwardly dly to hug me. It was adorable


So when I came out to my cousin Jaxson as genderfluid, he was kinda silent for a bit, then he nodded and said, 'if you're gonna be a guy, you've gotta be able to do the man hug' proceed to the engaging of the man hug, then I yelp because he somehow elbowed me in the stomach while trying awkwardly dly to hug me. It was adorable


Deleted user

So when I came out to my cousin Jaxson as genderfluid, he was kinda silent for a bit, then he nodded and said, 'if you're gonna be a guy, you've gotta be able to do the man hug' proceed to the engaging of the man hug, then I yelp because he somehow elbowed me in the stomach while trying awkwardly dly to hug me. It was adorable


That's great.


HEY EVERYONE we need some help
so first of all- go to Gen Chat and read the thread "Goodbye, cruel world."
Done? okay now you know about what happened to @Pixie_Writes_Steampunk.
We're trying to figure out a way to reach her/to make sure she's okay.
Was anyone friends with her? Or knew her outside the chat in any way?
If not, is anyone in Michigan? That's all we know about her location. And we think she's around 15? But we're not sure and we'll keep you updated.
I've DM-ed andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) to see if there's anyway I can get the email address for her deleted account
but uh signal boost this pls

Deleted user

Oh no! I hope she's okay.

No, I don't know her outside of the chat and I'm not in Michigan.

(Signal boost?)


(Signal boost?)

to signal boost is to spread it around
like if you rp-ed with her? or knew who rp-ed with her, then maybe ask them?

Deleted user

(Signal boost?)

to signal boost is to spread it around
like if you rp-ed with her? or knew who rp-ed with her, then maybe ask them?

I don't rp, sorry.


there's a group of LGBTQ+ people in the rp forums and we are the rolegays

i feel like the LGBTQIAP+ community has an enhanced pun-making part of the brain that straights just don't have


there's a group of LGBTQ+ people in the rp forums and we are the rolegays

i feel like the LGBTQIAP+ community has an enhanced pun-making part of the brain that straights just don't have

it's true
we do


I'm gonna revive this again because I just wanted to say that my school has a Pride club (it's pretty cool) and we're trying to get more LGBTQA+ equality in our county and state so that's kind of neat


Virginia. We're mainly just talking about how the school always sends out a thing about how they promise to respect certain things (like race, financial situations, ect.) but they don't have anything about respecting sexuality, gender identity, and other LGBTQA+ stuff. They say that it's "implied" but we're trying to get the actual words on there.

@Becfromthedead group

I see. I was just wondering if you were from the South (I guess Virginia is South but lol what do I know?) because I know that sometimes southerners tend to be less accepting of LGBTQA+ people (I'm from Georgia, and that seems to be the general attitude in more rural parts of the state at least.)
But yeah, good for your school!!! It's really important to put that stuff into words, because if you don't, people will find a way around it.
My high school had a GSA club (Gay-Straight Alliance), and I was kind of scared out of going because only a few people really know about my deal, and I didn't want my parents asking what club I was going to that day of the week because I'm a horrible liar.


I'm not out yet, but this club is during school so I don't have to tell anyone about it. Virginia is technically in the south (and the people at my school might as well be from Texas or something) but it's a pretty accepting community. (It might be because I live near a college so there's more LGBTQA+ people? Idk.)

@Katastrophic group

That's really cool! Even if it's a small step, it's still a step! I wish my high school had something similar, but it was a catholic private school so that probably wouldn't have gone over well.