forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :)
Started by @Tylerrr-M-P

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@Becfromthedead group

That's a good way to set it up, especially for kids who aren't out to their parents yet. (And yeah, college towns/slightly bigger cities tend to be more accepting. I'm from a bigger city, and I'm in a college town now, and generally people could not care less.)


I do love how Pride clubs in schools also accept allies into their clubs.

@Becfromthedead group

Yes. I mean, ours was still mostly if not all LGBTQA+ kids, but it did accept allies. I mean, in my high school friend group, for instance there was literally one person who is completely straight, but she was supportive, so why not let someone like that into a club where issues that affect friends are discussed?


Another thing that I love (sorry I'm just super excited and have no one to share this with) is that about 1/4 of my school's pride club is ace kids. They don't get represented in media that often so I thought that my school wouldn't have too many openly ace people but….I guess we do.

@Becfromthedead group

No, no, it's cool. I like hearing about this! Also I'm demisexual, so one of those weird ace-spectrum IDs, so yeah… it's pretty meaningful to me too. (And I'm so sad that aces are never represented in the media. Meanwhile the MC in two of my stories is ace)

@Katastrophic group

Another thing to remember to include allies is because some allies are undercover for various reasons, so this way they can still be a part of the community without endangering themselves.


Also I accidentally came out to two of my friends today because they asked me what club I was going to and I said Pride so…whoops.


They didn't really say anything about it so…I guess it did? Idk I've just been casually dropping hits about my sexuality and I've been waiting for people to pick it up.


Another thing to remember to include allies is because some allies are undercover for various reasons, so this way they can still be a part of the community without endangering themselves.



Okay, does anyone else know people who don’t think that asexuality or demisexuality or any of that is a thing? Because it really really irritates me.

I mean
I probably do
but I haven't really talked to many ppl about it
Actually internet ppl think that sometimes

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah. But I heard someone say it irl the other day- someone I’d perceived as being pretty kind and accepting- and it was just like… oof. He’s a philosophy major, and the group I was in was talking about sexuality, and I’m pretty sure it went like this:
“Yeah, but what about people who ID as asexual?”
“They’re lying.”
And just… ouch. Thanks probably straight guy for insight that no one asked for.


Luckily I don't really hear people talking crap about sexuality, but it still gets on my nerves when people use gay as an insult.


Luckily I don't really hear people talking crap about sexuality, but it still gets on my nerves when people use gay as an insult.

My dad called the fact that I had so many pictures of the same bee on my phone gay
It pissed me off
Now I think he thinks I'm gay (I'm biromantic asexual)

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah using it as an insult makes no sense, especially not in today’s time? Like that’s something I haven’t really heard since middle school when half of us barely even knew what gay meant.
And hi @DuskToDawnz

Deleted user

yeah i find it funny when people use gay as a insult not realizing ther partner of friend is part of the lgbt+ community


(Im late again but thats my life lol)
I go to a catholic school (im not even catholic but ya know) and we have a GSA club so thats cool and theres a lot of people who are lgbtq+ in my school and in general people are nice about the topic (minus some assholes here and there)


Sorry for yelling but I just came out to my mom I just needed to get that off my chest thanks bye