forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I used to think that every person who went to hell would go through that they did to others and punishment
To know the harm they had caused

I'm now satisfied with the fact that my brother will be stabbed with caprisun straws for eternity

And I'll just get to kiss pretty people so that's even better

Deleted user

Hell, for me, anyways… Is built from your sins. Your personal hell is built from every sin you have ever commited. Good deeds stop the construct of it.
Deadly sins, like Lust, or Greed, speed it up.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Hell, for me, anyways… Is built from your sins. Your personal hell is built from every sin you have ever commited. Good deeds stop the construct of it.
Deadly sins, like Lust, or Greed, speed it up.

Awesome, my hell's move-in ready

@larcenistarsonist group

lol I have no concept of heaven or hell and I think that when we die we just die. Our spirit or soul or whatever you want to call it just dies. I don't think that there is anything after life because anything else just doesn't make sense in my brain.

Deleted user

I used to believe that we get reincarnated, but after a really depressing science class, I've come to the conclusion that when we die there's just… nothing. We lose our conscious and we don't really know that we exist or that the world around is there… it's really upsetting to me…

@larcenistarsonist group

I joke about going to hell after I die, but I really just believe that there's nothingness after death. We die, our body dies, our mind dies, everything just dies. I believe that if you believe in a god or devil or whatever, that you go to that. For example, I think that Christians go to heaven or hell and that atheists (me) just have nothingness after death.

Deleted user

don't wanna go too far into it tho so thanks leo ps when i see you around I go bRr because I Like your existence

Ofc love!
I like your existence too :)

@Becfromthedead group

I feel that. got mine last week too.
But hey, good for you getting your vaccine.
Also please everyone get their flu shots this year!!!! COVID-19 is still going around, and it's very important to prevent whatever else we can in the meantime- especially because COVID-19 can look a lot like flu, and also because of the possibility of coinfection, which is where you have both at the same time. If you're afraid of needles, you can maybe find somewhere to do the mist version of the vaccine.

Deleted user

Also, good evening to everyone except the nurse who misgendered me a thousand times despite me clarifying my pronouns for her.

Deleted user

I mean she wasn’t mean, she just kept using “she” and stuff.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

No, she may not be mean, but I fully believe that medical practitioners should be able to pay attention to what makes their patient comfortable and should know to use preferred names or pronouns that the patient specifically requests to be called.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Yeah, it's not like it's hard to use the right pronouns.

Especially if you’ve just met the person. It’s not like you’ve been conditioned to call someone a certain name or pronoun if you’ve just met them…

@Becfromthedead group

I usually see "you get some freedom in picking your paper/presentation topic" and go wild.
I'm really interested in possibly pursuing some sort of field to help achieve equity in healthcare among LGBTQ+ people, and maybe also racial minorities. We'll see what I can do lol