forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@larcenistarsonist group

I'm so glad the Catholic church is finally starting to slowly come around! Unfortunately, my family is Mormon and i don't think they're going to stop being homophobic and transphobic any time soon T-T

My mom's entire side of her family is mormon and yeah… it's rough

@nebula__ group

skdewhklfw i used to go to vacation bible school and stuff when i was younger since i hadn't discovered my sexuality or my beliefs yet
and i start taking part in atheism, and my mom didn't care until:

i was at a hospital getting an EEG done, and this conversation happened:

the nurse: "do you practice a certain religion, hun?"
me: "not really…"
my mom: "but you went to vacation bible school-"
me: "i know, but still-"

Deleted user

i hate playing stations for straight ppl
i don't wanna listen to lil whatever
i just wanna listen to rav and girl in red

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We need to make a gay radio station….

that would be beautiful :3

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We will absolutely play Queen on the gaydio station, can't forget our roots lmao.

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(Killer Queen bites the dusto)
Or Another one bites the dust

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Okay but Gaydio Station was perfect, am I right?

Just like Gayos

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we will 100% play the nonbinary anthem:
they/them by atlas

@Elder-God-Whisper work

“Welcome to Gaydio station, where we play all the songs with the rainbow vibes! Up next is I wanna be your girlfriend by Girl In Red! Stay tuned because after the song, we release the code word for a chance to win two tickets to the Comic Con, because what gay hasn’t always wanted to go, amiright?”

Deleted user

“Welcome to Gaydio station, where we play all the songs with the rainbow vibes! Up next is I wanna be your girlfriend by Girl In Red! Stay tuned because after the song, we release the code word for a chance to win two tickets to the Comic Con, because what gay hasn’t always wanted to go, amiright?”


@larcenistarsonist group

“Welcome to Gaydio station, where we play all the songs with the rainbow vibes! Up next is I wanna be your girlfriend by Girl In Red! Stay tuned because after the song, we release the code word for a chance to win two tickets to the Comic Con, because what gay hasn’t always wanted to go, amiright?”


"Heyo that was Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At the Disco, but you probably already knew that. We're taking song requests right now so text your request to 420-6969! Until then, here's some Queen!"


Y e s
Also it should feature gay music from all kinds of genres and backgrounds, I refuse to have a gaydio that doesn’t include LGBT K-pop when being gay is full-on illegal in their country and the bravery required to write those things, risking their whole reputation is incredible