forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

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Ally, apparently. Allies, while nice, aren't actually part of the community though.


Ok yeah I looked it up and K does not belong in the queer community.
Just because you're kinky doesn't make you queer.

Deleted user

Facts, but what's the K? No one answered me last time I asked


jesus christ–

Deleted user

Ugh… Homophobia…
I had a homophobe who hated Gay men. Just gay men. Lesbians were okay in his book.
Like, what??? Of you're going to be bigoted… Be bigoted all the way. Don't half-ass it.


Exactly swim. Being LGBT isn't about what you do in the bedroom, and that's all homophobic/transphobic people think of us. They think we're sexually immoral and can't be satisfied so we try all the genders and modify our own, and then sprinkle unholy kinks in there.
Including K in lgbtqiap just proves their stupid, stupid, blatantly false point.

Deleted user

Ugh… Homophobia…
I had a homophobe who hated Gay men. Just gay men. Lesbians were okay in his book.
Like, what??? Of you're going to be bigoted… Be bigoted all the way. Don't half-ass it.

he probably fetishized lesbians too
people like that are garbage and deserve no rights. what the fuck

Deleted user

Ugh… Homophobia…
I had a homophobe who hated Gay men. Just gay men. Lesbians were okay in his book.
Like, what??? Of you're going to be bigoted… Be bigoted all the way. Don't half-ass it.

he probably fetishized lesbians too
people like that are garbage and deserve no rights. what the fuck

He was a womanizer, so yeah…
Exactly. He was an asshole and called me a fag for being myself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Do whatever the hell you want in the bedroom, I don't give a shit
Just don't claim to be part of the community only because you're kinky
Fuck MAPs/p*dos for actually trying to join the community, another horrible thing that people think everyone LGBTQ+ is
And all the illegal philias

Deleted user

I used to think that every person who went to hell would go through that they did to others and punishment
To know the harm they had caused

They probably do