forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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As a floridan, don't go to schools.
Just cause of like,,, shooters and stuff.
also there
s too many police there

@Elder-God-Whisper work

My high school’s officer did jack shit. He just sat around and talked to the librarians. When something did happen, he glanced at it, then turned around and walked away.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

New York City is crazy, I've only been there once but it was wild
Any big city here is pretty wild, take this from somebody in a big city

Oh I’m in rural area of New York State. Even here, New Yorkers are nuts

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Well, I was skipping class, and decided to write some stuff on the electric whiteboard. Before I had even started to write anything else, I got in trouble.

Mind you, I was done with my class for that day.

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laughs in Indiana
Never come here, there is no escape from the corn

smirks in Texan If you're vegan, don't come down here.

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mulch… tastes bad…

That sounds like common sense
Are you okay??

Mulch… Tastes… Bad.