forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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My dad told me this morning and I was all like. " AH HECK YESSSS"


Guys, don't get too excited about this. I hate to rain on the parade, but the pope didn't approve same sex marriage or change the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He simply stated that gay people should be treated like family and that civil unions (not marriages) should be legal to protect them.

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but it hopefully is going to lead the catholic church somewhere?


While yes, this is a big step for the legality of LGBTQ issues and religion, it won't be until the next pope where maybe we can get clearer support for same sex marriage doctrinally, and hopefully the abolishment of the Catholic "Gender Theory"


but it hopefully is going to lead the catholic church somewhere?

Absolutely, and that is something worth celebrating, I just don't want you guys misinformed

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Guys, don't get too excited about this. I hate to rain on the parade, but the pope didn't approve same sex marriage or change the doctrine of the Catholic Church. He simply stated that gay people should be treated like family and that civil unions (not marriages) should be legal to protect them.

That's what I was meaning. Thank you for expanding on that. : )

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It happened like 7 days ago

A bit longer than that, actually.

I was guessing

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To be honest, I’m a little disappointed in the pope for being too much of a coward to step up and say gay rights in full, but this still is a good next step.


I think it’s pretty smart actually
if you say something that bold that fast the karens aren’t going to listen
hopefully baby steps will make it less shocking to them


What Ella said. I can pretty much promise by the next pope, the Catholic church will start running pride parades (metaphorically).

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Or literally, even! My church is pretty active in the queer community of Battle Creek at least at pride and one of our leaders is gay which is amazing, I forget his name though.


Ooo that's neat! I love seeing religious organizations of all sorts present at Pride. I'm a simp for multiculturalism.


I'm so glad the Catholic church is finally starting to slowly come around! Unfortunately, my family is Mormon and i don't think they're going to stop being homophobic and transphobic any time soon T-T