forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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@nebula__ group

i used to have tiktok
if some of ya'll remember, i talked about how i really liked a girl in my english class
welllll i finally confessed to her
and she accepted the confession i'm so haPPY JHVHSJHHSJ

@larcenistarsonist group

My friend just looked at me and said "winter soldier look today?" Kdkakskkdjd OKAY JAKE JUST BECAUSE IM WEARING ALL BLACK, A BLACK FACEMASK, MY HAIR STRAIGHT AND DARK SUNGLASSES DOES NOT MEAN I AM GOING FOR THE WINTER SOLDIER LOOK even though I love Bucky so much oh my god

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

Ahahahaha that's great. I also found out one of my guy friends is bi today, I mean, I kinda already suspected, but it makes me happy cuz he just was like "No, I'm bi" all casually n I was like heck yeah


I'm having romance problems and I don't even know if I have a crush 😞
self-invoked romance problems
automated love issues
demi problems, gang gang

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i just like too many people, and it's strange because i don't really know what i want from them? cuz like- i think i want them but then when i think about actually being in a relationship with them, i'm like- uhmmm no. ya know?

@Reblod flag

The only reason I'm in the relationship I'm in is because I'm scared I might lose connections to other things if I end it. Otherwise it's a nuisance and I have no interest in it or any others

@The-Magician group

Me at work earlier…

Guy colleague : So what kind of people are you attracted to?
Me : Women who wear vintage dresses with collars and usually have long hair, oh and men in corsets! And women who wear untucked shirts with sweaters over the top.
Guy colleague : So… Women and effeminate men?
Me : realisation hits … Yeah pretty much…