forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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I really want to dye my hair and become ginger, should I do so?

@Becfromthedead group

Well, I'd wait a little bit to see if you still want to do it, but after initial impulse has passed, I'd say go for it! Just make sure to pick something that goes well with your skin tone and all that.


I got called a gentleman and a sir in the same class before I even told the teacher I was trans :D
I'm non binary but prefer gentleman/sir over lady/ma'am, plus it tells me I'm presenting masculine well :)

@probablypolnareff language

here's something random that happened in math class:
my teacher was talking about me to the other teacher, and she used "they" when talking about me in 3rd person and i hadn't even told her my main pronouns jbncjdnjd idk how she managed it but thank god she did

@Becfromthedead group

Debating whether to come out to my friends as a they/them/possibly genderfluid
Like it's perfectly safe, we're all part of the community as it is. I just don't have a handle on my identity yet so idk
And to clarify, they already know I'm demi/bi.


I mean maybe let them know that you're still figuring it out, but that's what you'd like to use for now? The good thing about stuff like this is that you can try new things until you figure out what you're comfortable with, and I'm sure you friends will want to support you through that process.

@Becfromthedead group

That's definitely true.
Ig now it's just a matter of timing, and whether I bring it up in person/in vc/over group chat. Although I don't think it matters that much. It's honestly not as big of a deal as I'm making it internally- at least not to them.

@The-Magician group

Hemp oil doesn't make you high though???
Right? There's like next to no THC in that stuff

It won't cause a high. Hemp has no psychoactive effects either

@larcenistarsonist group


I now have reached over 50 with my Funko Pop collection and I am collecting pins (I have 33 pins). Yesterday my sister looks at my collection and then at me and says "you're getting gayer every day."

And I am still cackling at that comment.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group


I now have reached over 50 with my Funko Pop collection and I am collecting pins (I have 33 pins). Yesterday my sister looks at my collection and then at me and says "you're getting gayer every day."

And I am still cackling at that comment.

Woah 50 Funko Pops?
I only have 2 and a half, two Dragon Ball ones and one Luffy one that's technically my brother's but I've made a game of stealing it and putting it out in the open in my room to see how long it takes before he notices

@larcenistarsonist group

aj;sdklfj I wanna name all of them now:

I'm starting with my regular sized ones:

  1. Doctor Strange
  2. Bucky Barnes
  3. Rocket Raccoon
  4. Scarlet Witch
  5. Captain Marvel
  6. Thor
  7. Spiderman
  8. Nick Fury
  9. Falcon
  10. Fred
  11. George
  12. Sirius Black
  13. Snape
  14. Jawa
  15. Rey
  16. Luke Skywalker in his sand buggy thing
  17. Finn
  18. Han Solo
  19. D-O
  20. Pat Sajak
  21. Vanna White
  22. Silver the Hedgehog
    And then my minis which I love so much because they're small and adorable
  23. Doctor Strange
  24. Star Lord
  25. Groot
  26. Gamora
  27. She-Hulk
  28. Hulk
  29. Captain America
  30. Iron Man
  31. Thor
  32. Loki
  33. Spiderman
  34. Kid Arachnid
  35. Venom
  36. Gwen Stacy
  37. Thanos
  38. Ultron
  39. Antman
  40. Daredevil
  41. Iron Fist
  42. Vision
  43. Black Widow
  44. Black Panther
  45. Punisher
    Harry Potter minis:
  46. Mad-Eye Moody
  47. McGonagall
  48. Fred
  49. George
  50. Snape
  51. Harry Potter
  52. Hermione
  53. Ron
  54. Draco
  55. Dumbledore
  56. Cedric
  57. Viktor Krum
  58. Fleur Delacour
  59. Igor Karkaroff
  60. Madame Olympe
  61. Hagrid
  62. Filch
  63. Padma
  64. Parvati
  65. Neville
  66. Cho Chang
  67. Ginny Weasley

Damn I have more than I thought XD

I really only count the minis I have up on display with my big ones so really only around 46ish.

@Katastrophic group

I got my hair done finally, and my face is mostly covered in this pic so imma post it >.> its very grainy bad quality pic but o well


dlkvslvn that looks so good!! I love the colors!!

Also I have two funko pops, Hunk from Voltron and a metallic Deku from MHA. Ironically they were both birthday presents, one from a hockey teammate and great friend and one from my little brother.