forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Hey, would y'all mind using they/them pronouns for me, at least for now?

of course m'theydy

@larcenistarsonist group

Another update about me and the crackhead band kid. He has called me the quiet kid again after I show up in our science class wearing a blood red t-shirt and a leather jacket.

He is now my Meme Guy™

Deleted user

there's a boy in my math class that I don't know well but I sit at the front of the room and he had to leave, so he walks to the door while flipping his hair back with one hand and holding his keys with the other and I almost died

@Milani eco

my ex boyfriend just told me that he is homophobic. fucking great. and he said we used to be friends before he found out i was pansexual.

@Becfromthedead group

Honestly it sounds like he's trying to bother you on purpose.
Like if yall weren't really talking and then he went out of his way to let you know he was a homophobe, he's just another piece of shit and not worth your worry.
And even if you can't get it off your mind (which is totally understandable), don't do anything to let this guy know that. Don't even talk to him again, because it sounds like he's not worth you wasting your breath.

@Milani eco

Honestly it sounds like he's trying to bother you on purpose.
Like if yall weren't really talking and then he went out of his way to let you know he was a homophobe, he's just another piece of shit and not worth your worry.
And even if you can't get it off your mind (which is totally understandable), don't do anything to let this guy know that. Don't even talk to him again, because it sounds like he's not worth you wasting your breath.

ik. he sucks

Deleted user

someone just told me "DIE IN A HOLE WITH ME" and that's both the sweetest and most insulting thing I've ever been told LMAUSDHIFLJDHIO


Is it sad I wanna summon a demon and try to make friends with it?

his name is Walter and he lives in my closet :)
He's kind of a piss-boy though

@Reblod flag

I can't imagine

Like…today I’ve been really really nonbinary and I’ve been suffering some intense dysphoria
And I’ve been feeling aro/ace, ya know in the middle of me trying to figure out this relationship I have going on

Life is weird