forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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i was threatened with a knife once
by my ex-boyfriend-

I was stabbed with a knife once
by my ex-girlfriend-

i was threatened with a gun once
by my dad-


Not much how about you do you wanna talk I wanna talk what are you doing are you at home do you have a cat do you have pets do you know how to juggle knive i do or eat fire or swallow swords


oh hi im mark whats your name do you wanna be friends were always looking for friends did you know i can fit my entire foot in my mouth and bend my pinky toe in half or all the way back against the top of my foot


exactly it groses some of the others out but I like it I do contortion knive juggleing/throwing fire eating/breahing and its all fun I like to try random things