forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

The weather fit her mood Gloomy She couldn't believe her Sister kill her Mother THERE Mother out of jealousy ¨why?, why would she do this my wedding was two days ago everything seemed fine then..why?!" she wept ¨Luna dear I know you're still in shock but you need to prepare for your Coronation¨ said Creator Alexis Coronation…I never expected it to happen like this my mum was supposed to be here, she was supposed to hand me the crown when she was ready to step down not get murdered¨ said Luna ¨ I know sweetie I know I was expecting her to be here too never in a million years did I expect my best friend to get murdered by her own daughter…its time for you to rise luna your now the official leader of the elementals you will use your powers for the greater good and bring humanity back to balance ¨said creator Alexis ¨thank you mommy¨said luna ¨anything for my daughter-in-law¨

@spacebluelily language

The weather fit her mood

Add a period.


Add another period.

She couldn't believe her Sister kill her Mother

Sister should not be capitalized, and neither should mother. Kill should be turned to killed.

THERE Mother out of jealousy

It's their mother, not there. Also, mother should not be capitalized. And there should be a period after jealousy.

Deleted user

I'm gonna go colonize the bermuda triangle anyone wanna come with

y e s

I wish to join

Deleted user

I'm gonna go colonize the bermuda triangle anyone wanna come with

y e s

I wish to join

Anywhere you go, I go!!