forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

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Like, there's this person in my bio I want to ask out but I don't know how to ask without ruining the friendship

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true true, ignore me bro, just wait and feel it out for a while, bring it up at random times but not directly and see how it goes

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I'm gonna hang out with them this weekend but do you think only knowing them for like two months is too short of a time?

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not at all, if you like them than you like them love is love no matter how long or how short you've known someone, everyone feels it differently there is nothing wrong with it

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I don't know if it's love, that's my big issue becuase I'm a fucking idiot

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well I can't help as I'm fucking stupid my self, and I'ma cus cuz this ain't no Christian Minecraft sever. And good night you wonderful people
Signing off for now~ Logan

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I don't think I can, I was in a relationship for five months and didn't realize untill literally a year into the friendship that I wanted to date them, then after five months I realized I wasn't in love

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So @SpookyXans-BIDEN2020 and someone named ash_w1llow came in and dropped out a little later and now Josh is paranoid that he’s boring and wants to know what he can do to keep you guys interested

I DMed him.

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Do you ever do something somewhat normal and not special or anything, but it feels so poetic for no reason?

Like, I just sat on my brother's bed with him and we ate a cupcake-in-a-jar with forks while laughing at memes & listening to a song that reminds me of A Girl*

and it was a very good moment

*(it's Natalie by Hunny, it's not goth or anything and I just love it, it's so happy)

Deleted user

yah yah bitches subtle song reference
anyway uhhhh
my Dumb has peaked yet again