forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 175 followers

@spacebluelily language


I am very anxious about tomorrow.

Why? What’s tomorrow?

Well, for starters, I'm returning to school. It's two days a week, but whatever. And I'm going to get so lost. Second of all, tomorrow is election day.

Deleted user

I'm extremely passionate about politics and human rights soooo uh

Human rights, I am all for that.
Politics, especially arguing about them, just gets me depressed…

Deleted user

ctyashkjad, if trump gets elected I'm gonna cry lol
but then I'd have to pretend to be cishet

@Becfromthedead group

Voting is very important. Not voting isn't a political statement. It's complacency.
Now, of course, in your case, Whisper, it wasn't intentional, and I understand life gets in the way, so that's not directed at you at all.
I vote in EVERY election because I know people are getting slighted due to our elected officials. I live in a red state, but we have the possibility of being a swing state this year which is like. A big deal.

@spacebluelily language

The claw machines are rigged. You can't change my mind about that.
But there's this one guy. He was playing the claw machine and it seemed like he failed to get the object.
Then the freaking claw picked it up.
The man is a witch.

@spacebluelily language

ctyashkjad, if trump gets elected I'm gonna cry lol
but then I'd have to pretend to be cishet

This reminds me of an article I read once. Where the Queen of England said she would take back America if Trump got elected.

Deleted user

ctyashkjad, if trump gets elected I'm gonna cry lol
but then I'd have to pretend to be cishet

This reminds me of an article I read once. Where the Queen of England said she would take back America if Trump got elected.

(I would prefer that, but just for like four years)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

ctyashkjad, if trump gets elected I'm gonna cry lol
but then I'd have to pretend to be cishet

This reminds me of an article I read once. Where the Queen of England said she would take back America if Trump got elected.

(I would prefer that, but just for like four years)

I would gladly take her rule for life.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Real talk, my fiance and I have talked about leaving and moving to Canada. Not right away, but eventually.

Me and my boyfriend are going to be moving either to Europe or Australia. I might want to live in Japan for a few years though.


A bit of a change in subject but
I really want to make a slice-of-life webcomic about my experiences as a gender-neutral person. I'm going to try and work hard to get it done around my exams.

Would anyone read it if I did?