forum The LGBTQ+ Community Chat :) Part 2!
Started by @Moxie group

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Josh… when we talked, like via google meet, what color was I? I'm just curious?

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damn, I feel like my aura would either be red or green, no reason why


lmfao okay okay
So it's SpookyJim here :)
I'm the oldest of Josh's alters and the OG one.
And As for colours, well.
Yes, Dani, yours was aqua. John, yours was blue. And Reed, I haven't seen you yet but I get the feeling that yours is a warm colour. Maybe Tangerine or Coral.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I have no idea if this is relevant, but I was told my aura is blood red…. am I gonna die?

Aura colors just mean your innate nature from what I’ve researched. I don’t think they indicate death or anything like that. But I did hear that if there’s a break in your aura there’s usually a medical problem in that area.


I have no idea if this is relevant, but I was told my aura is blood red…. am I gonna die?

Nope! Blood red is actually a nice colour. Red is symbolic of passion, obviously, and muted colours like old blood are a more down to earth version. Brighter colours usually mean that that trait is more prominent.
At least, based on my experiences.

Deleted user

I'll tell you guys what.
I'll do aura readings today :)


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Hmmm, well if I ain't got a soul than I ain't got no aura, thx but no thx