forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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@Imperfect_Autumn group

2.) Yuppers, I do! I work in the cafe, so I'm a barista, but I'm getting trained on the bookfloor so I can get more hours in.

You lucky kiddo.

Tell me why I always feel like I have to defend myself when called a child/kiddo… But I actually am 18, so 😂
is adult

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm never tall
I'm never short
I'm not even really average
what the hell

It’s a very strange height to be. There are many people taller than you, many shorter, and a few the same…

It's like the most uncomfortable height to be. It's like being in between sizes- Not a Medium, not a Small.

What's hilarious is the fact we are the same height, yet I'm still taller. lmao


I'm 5'11 and there's this one girl I know that I think is taller than me. I had to look twice because I'mat the stage where that never happens.

omg ikr.i have a friend whose taller than me and we joke about how short everyone is when in reality, they're just a normal heighgt. i kinda distrust anyone taller than me bc im already so tall and it makes it pretty hard for me to get past that and get to know them.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

2.) Yuppers, I do! I work in the cafe, so I'm a barista, but I'm getting trained on the bookfloor so I can get more hours in.

You lucky kiddo.

Tell me why I always feel like I have to defend myself when called a child/kiddo… But I actually am 18, so 😂
is adult

Perhaps you are. I sure as hell am not.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

2.) Yuppers, I do! I work in the cafe, so I'm a barista, but I'm getting trained on the bookfloor so I can get more hours in.

You lucky kiddo.

Tell me why I always feel like I have to defend myself when called a child/kiddo… But I actually am 18, so 😂
is adult

Perhaps you are. I sure as hell am not.

lol. Okay, physically, I’m an adult. Mentally… It depends on the situation and day XD

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm more adult than my twenty something cousins

I'm more adult than most 30ish year olds and what aggravates me is that my parents think I'm not mature enough and a teenage brat, basically.

@saor_illust school

grrr did it on school account sorry won't work i guess but it was literally me being awkward

No aha
it's fine
but if your school management system allows it, you can switch the settings to anyone can view, even without signing in. If you want, I can PM a picture tutorial to you

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

2.) Yuppers, I do! I work in the cafe, so I'm a barista, but I'm getting trained on the bookfloor so I can get more hours in.

You lucky kiddo.

Tell me why I always feel like I have to defend myself when called a child/kiddo… But I actually am 18, so 😂
is adult

Perhaps you are. I sure as hell am not.

lol. Okay, physically, I’m an adult. Mentally… It depends on the situation and day XD

I am mentally and physically not an adult. And I'll be twenty come summer. It sucks.