forum Tell Us You Exist by Talking... On Camera!
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Deleted user

I'm slowly evolving to Punk Nirvana and I will fucking eat your children.

Deleted user

Anyhow, please do not make fun of my appearance I do this to lessen my dysphoria and make me feel better about myself.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I just realized that I used a black and white filter in the only video I’ve sent though I was thinking of sending one earlier but couldn’t pick a topic to talk about and I’m honestly disappointed in myself. You didn’t get to see the color of my hair… It’s pretty fricking… well, pretty, if I do say so myself.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group


@Young-Dusty If you didn’t see it..

Hi! I've lowkey been stalking this thread since you posted actually. I feel like you somehow look quite similar to how I pictured you, but your voice/accent was completely unexpected lol?? I think I got the idea at some point that you lived in Europe somewhere ahaha
I'd post as well, but I'm sort of in the same camp as same others who are nervous about doing it for safety reasons ^^; I mean I trust y'all, but it's hard to shake the habit. Plus I don't really have a way to take a quality video, no smartphone and my laptop camera SUCKS. But maybe someday I'll post anyway, we'll see how long I can resist the temptation XD

@saor_illust school

Ah, glad I'm not the only one on that. I'll probably post something in the future, though since mostly I'm paranoid about my voice (especially when it's being recorded) since then I sound way younger than I really am… and yes I've been told that multiple times

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Anyhow, please do not make fun of my appearance I do this to lessen my dysphoria and make me feel better about myself.

Hey dude, you look pretty cool in my opinion. Also, regarding the hair, are those natural curls?? ‘Cause that’s a pretty awesome hairdo. 😎

@saor_illust school

Anyhow, please do not make fun of my appearance I do this to lessen my dysphoria and make me feel better about myself.

Hey dude, you look pretty cool in my opinion. Also, regarding the hair, are those natural curls?? ‘Cause that’s a pretty awesome hairdo. 😎



but your voice/accent was completely unexpected lol?? I think I got the idea at some point that you lived in Europe somewhere ahaha

I am actually in Europe, I live in London, but I grew up with Canadian English so that's the accent I have XD

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

but your voice/accent was completely unexpected lol?? I think I got the idea at some point that you lived in Europe somewhere ahaha

I am actually in Europe, I live in London, but I grew up with Canadian English so that's the accent I have XD

Ohhhhh I get it XD That's really cool!

Deleted user

Anyhow, please do not make fun of my appearance I do this to lessen my dysphoria and make me feel better about myself.

Hey dude, you look pretty cool in my opinion. Also, regarding the hair, are those natural curls?? ‘Cause that’s a pretty awesome hairdo. 😎

They are natural curls yes.

Deleted user


Reed being triggered about our shock at his eyebrows for 30 seconds straight